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when one leaves the picture

SugarSpice's picture

dh has two daughters and one is leaving for a job out of state at the end of the year. both of them are glued to the hip but one has seen a nice opportunity job and wants to relocate. the other wants her to stay.

the other has no personality and would have no life if it was not for the other. when the sister takes her job and leaves, i can see the one left behind and clinging to their father. she has let on that she want to move back in with us.

for the record this skid told me to go to hell to my face when she lived with us. that was the reason for her father and i to tell her to leave.

it has been peaceful without the skids.

your thoughts?

Rags's picture

She left, she stays gone. She does not come back. The sister who has the opportunity should pursue it and the Klingon sister needs to suck it up and stand on her own.

Returning to your home might be different if Klingon sis had been a pleasant, respectful and participatory member of your household. Since she was not, she gets no safe harbor IMHO.

Buh-bye Klingon. Write your dad when you find a life.

still learning's picture

Yes to all of the above, no moving back in! I won't allow this with my own adult DD or the adult skids. Adult skids all live with some relative but I'd rather cement in the entire basement before allowing any of them in.

Perhaps you and DH should consider moving to a place where you won't have room to take her in.

No saint's picture

If she's feisty enough to badmouth you, she's strong enough to be on her own. After all, she has no affirmation issues as far as you are concerned, so she should be fine!

Evil stepmonster's picture

Nope, it's not your fault her life revolved around her sister, she needs to find her own life, not try to insert herself back into yours.

wth was I thinking's picture

I can see this exact situation playing out with my skids when they get older. They are so far up each others asses, but I can see the younger one maybe maybe maybe making something of herself someday. Maybe. And the older one would just be left to live with moooommmmmyyyyyy. Certainly not with me oh hell no.

hereiam's picture

Maybe she should move with her sister. Or get a life of her own.

Regardless, she sure wouldn't be moving in with me.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Nope, she's an adult. Unless there is a real big problem, once out of the house ya don't get back in.

Before getting all concerned about what she might do, wait and see what happens when the other sister leaves.

Stay disengaged. If she needs support, suggest that DH go over to her place....but not too often, if you know what I mean.

No one should swear at you or treat you badly in your own home. From what you say it does seem that your hubby backed you up at that time, which is very good.

SugarSpice's picture

i dont intend to have her move back in. yes dh backed me up but it has taken twenty years for him to grow a pair. in the past his tail would go between his legs and cave in while the sds ran the house.