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Therapists phrases

Childless stepmom's picture

Oh this sucks, you go to therapy to try and fix the situation and all DH can do is use the therapist key phrases on back on me. I'm so disengaging from this crap. How is that actually helping.

Childless stepmom's picture

Freaken irritates me. So therapist said something about a situation where I reverted to my inner child. Now DH is like" you acting like a 16 yr old & you 're not 12 " when I say something about the skids or something he does not like.

hereiam's picture

Your bio says you've been married for only 18 months and you are already in therapy (I don't know how long you have been with him overall).

Instead of taking counseling seriously and working on the problems and the relationship, your DH is throwing it in your face. Instead of actually communicating, he is just repeating things he hears from the therapist, which is not necessarily applicable and does not address the real issues.

Therapy will only work if both parties really want it to and he's just using it as ammunition. I'm with sueu2, why do you put up with it? Seems a waste all the way around.