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give me strength

blended7's picture

Or lots of vodka...dh is about to go overseas again. And I'll still have the skids full time. Sd12 lives to make my life hell, and us horrified to have to stay with me.
Yet on a phone call with BM excitedly tells her dh is leaving & we'll have enough money now to take her out to eat & vacations. I assure you dh did not tell her that part.
But I'm super glad BM knows that we'll have money so she'll never get around to paying a dime in child support. 4 years & counting
Would it be wrong to install nanny cams to protect myself while he's gone?
SD fabricates all kinds if stories & I do NOT feel comfortable.

Childless stepmom's picture


blended7's picture

I've done it before just not as long, and if history repeats itself, I'm going to need them. Full out tantrums, clawing the shit out of one of my bios. Throwing things at siblings.and she was 10 then.
Dh didn't believe the special sweet princess would do that.
And now, she's in more contact with BM via phone, and she has all kinds of lies yo tell her.
Only when dh isn't around.
I dont feel like playing this game again, and just want it all recorded.

blended7's picture

That's my worst nightmare!
And yes, she's a real gem. All she does on the phone now is complain about how she has nothing or she needs more.
All the children have name brand stuff, toys they don't play with on & on. Why she thinks she's so deprived & complains to BM who buys them nothing & won't even pay the piddly CS & is 10k in arrears is beyond me.
Missing my husband for a year is not worth it. I hate that this is being done.

blended7's picture

He hasn't seen it. She will not do it when he's around. Honestly I should have recorded sooner.
He is making a career move for the family. And he can't ship her off anywhere.
I get that, I hate it, but get it. So I'm left with her.

blended7's picture

Unfortunately no, there's nowhere else. It's pretty much just me.
We've had talks before. She twists it all, which is why I want to record proof.
The last time he was gone, she'd start something, one of mine would say something back, & she'd go crazy on them.
Should this happen again, I can't send her anywhere, but I at least can show him how out of control she really gets and it will cover my ass.

worst_stepmom_ever's picture

Oh goodness. I understand but definitely don't envy your position. My husband is just getting back from working overseas but I got a SK break since he's the NCP. Definitely make recordings to protect yourself and your marriage.

blended7's picture

There's just truly no other option. His family is dead. There's nobody else, I would love boarding school, sadly though that would defeat the purpose of him going with cost.
BM is supposed to take them for a visit in summer. Of course this is the 3rd year in a row she's said this, & hasn't seen them in 3 years. I'm secretly hoping she finally follows thru, and SD12 stays there.
I know it won't happen though.
I think all I can do is nanny can it up.