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My SD is a good deep down but she annoys every fiber of my being

bmgreenman's picture

My stepdaughter is currently annoying every fiber of my being and was wondering if anybody had any advice to help me not feel this way, because I'm not liking this constant feeling of irritation. By all means she is not a bad a kid, straight A student, 16 years old about to be 17 in April, but she acts like she has absolutely no common sense, is super lazy when it comes to helping out around the house or doing anything besides sleeping, doing god knows what on her Ipod, or staring at herself in the effing mirror. She says she has made friends but has no social life. She's been with us for a year and only went to a friends house twice...I think this is odd because I had social life when I was kid and wasn't trying to be entertained by my parents all the time. She'll do the dishes once a week and then cry if we don't acknowledge it. If she forgets to do something, like take her dirty lunch container out of her bag after school or clean the lint trap in the dryer, her first instinct is to lie and it makes me want to punch her in the face. The other day I went to do the laundry and the lint trap was ridiculously full. I asked her if she emptied the lint trap and she said no she didn't know where it was. I said when we bought the washer and dryer set, that cost me upwards of four grand, I explained to her how to use them and told her the lint trap must be emptied every time after you wash and showed her where it was. She plainly lied and said I never showed her. I proceeded to say well okay let's say I didn't show you but I told you right? She said yeah so I said okay so if you knew it had to be emptied but you didn't know where it was then why didn't you ask? Nothing but a dumbass look for a response there. So I showed her and that should have been the end of it, but now she proceeds to say, "Well I never do more than one load at a time anyway." I about lost it at this point I just wanted her to get out of my face with that bullshit I said, "Okay well make sure you empty the trap every time, you can leave now because now you're just lying to my face." I was especially infuriated because 3 days prior she was doing laundry and told me how she had so much laundry she had already done two loads and might have to do three then magically three days later it's "I've NEVER done more than one load at a time." I go upstairs and she's crying to her dad about some other bullshit about feeling in the way when this is just her way to try and manipulate him into feeling sorry for her. Then she has the nerve to tell me, "Well I don't like being called a liar." My only response to that, "Then don't lie!"
That's just one example. Regardless of what she says she does not help with housework and has Zero responsibility. She acts like homework takes up all her time and she has to get good grades so she shouldn't have to do anything else. Good luck when you go to college and have to take care of yourself and work and clean up after yourself. If I let her use something of mine I never see it again she automatically assumes if somebody let's her use something it's her's forever, and that doesn't just go for my possessions.
At this point I'm just rambling at this point and don't get me wrong she is a good kid it's just right now EVERY SINGLE THING about her is driving me insane. I don't have a biological child of my own, but we were planning on having one within the next year or two I'm afraid that how this girl is making me feel I would be a shitty mother, and am currently being a shitty stepparent. I come from a blended family and absolutely love my stepparents as if they were my own and since I constantly want to punch this girl in the face that I'm a bad person. Because I never fixed my face to say, "I feel in the way" at any of my homes. On the other hand she was supposed to be with her mother before, who literally has mental illness and just a plain old shitty mother, but instead ended up being raised by her grandmother who is a nice enough lady but I think she is a shitty mother too because you should see how bm and her other kids turned out...ghetto ass trash. Anyway I'm done. I hope this was coherent to somebody and somebody can give me some advice to help keep my sanity.
Thank you

brandtbaby's picture

As a teacher of high school students what you are saying is very true of everyone her age. In general they are entitled and have a hard time seeing outside their own universe. However, usually they are teachable.

For instance, get a chore chart going and give her a reasonable time to get it done. Remind her that she lives in the house and needs to help it run smoothly. Then set out clear consequences if she does not do what she is supposed to - no tv, staying home on the weekends etc. Make it her ticket to freedom.

If she borrows something set a deadline for when it needs to be returned. If it does not appear at that time, remind her and tell her she has an hour, day, etc. to return it, if that does not happen then cut off her borrowing privileges, until she makes it right.

All of this takes a lot of work so hubby needs to be on board too. Make it fair and consistent for everyone. She will bark and be angry at first, but most teenagers are trainable - just like pets Smile

However, if you let it slide, she gets the message that what she wants rules the house and I promise it will get worse.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture


I thought I was reading about my SD19 when reading your post! SD19 has been lazy, enabled and just plain DUMB for years. I have YSD13 and SD19 full-time now, its been 2 years of hell. Have a good giggle. I chalk it up to entertainment now. You can't fix stupid lol.

~ Moon

Rags's picture

I have zero tolerance for bullshit from 16-18+ year olds. Keep your foot up her ass until she either catches a clue or launches. One thing that infuriates me to no end is the idiot "I don't know", "But you didn't tell me/show me!", and "I forgot.". That shit brings unpleasant consequences immediately and consistently when it is coming from a kid in their mid to late teens.


bibleofdreams's picture

I read this book called "the smart love parent" and it made me a lot less irritated with my SD. Sometimes kids are trying to replicate whatever experiences they have at their primary parent's home when young, even if it was really unhealthy. its how they experienced parental love and relationships when young so they crave similar experiences. They can't admit that their parent messed up. My step daughter seems to want a big fight and criticism, its what she is used to, but my husband and I don't give in. A stable relationship that is actually healthy is the only way out of that pattern. I don't know if it applies to your situation but I thought I would share in case its helpful to you.

going_to_kill_someone's picture

Oh I have that problem too. SD15 is very clever, very talented. But she has a mouth that has to answer everything. That irritates me more and situation gets worse. I wish there was a happy pill we both could take. I don't have any time at all for the lying so can't pretend it is not there. A social worker is coming next week to help us (hopefully) sort things out. If i learn any thing I'll let you know