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Dottie27's picture

Hi I am new to this page just thought I would share my story.
So I have been with my husband 4 years married for 1, he has a 5 year old son from a previous relationship (not married) and we have 2 children a 2 year old son with special needs and a 5 month old daughter . When I first met his son we got along really well although he was only 1 and our relationship was fine right up until about 12 months ago. In October 2013 my husband and I eloped and my husbands mother didn't like that and hasn't spoke to us since that side of the family have missed my sons first Christmas and birthday and the birth of my daughter and her first Christmas. BUT they still go behind my husbands back and get his son without him "knowing" and his ex doesn't say a word about it either. This brings me to my point of being so frustrated with my step son he all of a sudden won't talk to me won't stand near me, won't listen to me and continually gets on my nerves so I ignore him and let my husband deal with it so over the last 12 months it has just got to the point where I grit my teeth when we have to get him and the whole time he is hear I feel like ripping my hair out.

I have now come to the realization I don't like him anymore, he is a brat he tells me I HAVE to buy him certain toys and food etc. my husbands mother is still getting him behind my husbands back but on his mothers weekend so I have the question what happens with child support if he isn't in her care every weekend?

I think that maybe my rant over (for now).
Any thoughts, questions or advice is welcome and appreciated

twoviewpoints's picture

Kiddo is just five, Tausha, but he's been being a stinker for about 12 months it states. It might actually be easier if kid was 12 because yeah then they can better see what's going on and who is making the troubles. But at five, it's much harder and poor little kid gets stuck being torn between the people he loves.

Really crazy when adults fight and are so bitter that they put a little kid in a position to pick sides or to make them think he's wrong to like the stepparent (or whatever). It's really a shame when adults can't just keep the adult crap between the adults and let the kids be kids. I can't stand my SIL, but hell would freeze over before I would ever let my personal feelings for my SIL affect my youngest grandson (my oldest daughter's son). My YGS loves his Dad to bits and to poison that would be a rotten and selfish thing for me to try and do.