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Social Media for Elementary Children?

lcarley's picture

Ok, I am no stranger to social media, and know that there is great risk if not used correctly. I have a SD9 and SS7 who have been given access to instagram and facebook by their mother. Am I the only one that thinks this is absolutely crazy? If the access wasn't bad enough, their mother is more than promiscuous on her pages... her 9 yr old daughter sees her mommy in her panties with her shirt lifted up... I'm no expert here, but this is beyond inappropriate. If mommy can do it why cant she? What happened to modesty? And if you aren't modest, that is fine but don't let your elementary aged children see you partying, dressing like a slut, and using profanity. What can we do to stop this madness? We need to keep these kids safe from the creepers and even their own mother....

GreenEyez's picture

DH just found out the same thing about SD9. All of a sudden an Instagram page has popped up without his knowledge. We know it was created while SD was with BM on her visitation for 6 weeks. BM thinks shes a famous MUA and is trying to get her and her kid insta famous by the looks of it. Display pic is of SD in a bikini doing pouty how f**ked up do you have to be to not see this as an issue?