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6 yo SD

LCaste's picture

My SD6 calls her father Da Da in a baby voice constantly ... Shouldn't she be a little old for that? DH thinks it's cute, but I find it super annoying.

onthefence2's picture

OOOOOHHHHHHHMG, YES it's so annoying. I dated a dad like that. The baby talk and literally "DA DA" all the time. There were two of them, 6 and 7. Knew them until they were 8 and 9, and they still did it. And I saw BM at the older brother's basketball game holding the younger daughter like a toddler on her hip and playing peek-a-boo with her. She was SEVEN at the time! It was unreal.

Teas83's picture

Holding a seven year old? Sounds like my husband. He still holds SD6 like that once in awhile and it's so ridiculous. Once our DD1 was standing there with her arms up and my husband couldn't pick her up because SD needed to be held.

Teas83's picture

Six is too old for that. My SD is 6 and tends to act a lot younger than she is, but she doesn't even do the baby voice thing. That would out be over the edge.

they call me stacy's picture

Yes. She is too old. My SD just turned 7, and we have had so many issues with baby-talk. She's allowed to do it at her mom's house, so we really have to work with her on it when she's with us. It usually takes a reminder or two when she first comes over, but by now she's pretty much learned that she doesn't get anything from us if she uses baby-talk. We just can't stand it!

onstrike's picture

Sd8 does the baby talk. It is so pathetic and so not cute. She wants to be picked up like a toddler and it is gross watching dh hold her like that. She is annoying and bats her eyelashes while using the baby voice. It is the opposite of cute. Dh should be ashamed.

Raggles's picture

Count yourself lucky. My skids 7,15,17+20 all call their dad that!!
Knock it on the head as soon as possible.

jumanji's picture

No motre weird that 50+ yo women who still say Mommy and Daddy. (Yes, I know women like this.)

Rags's picture

My mom (70) and my Aunt (68) still refer to my Grand-dad as "Daddy" when they speak of him. My Grandmother they refer to as "Mother" when they speak of her.

Adults calling their fathers "Daddy" is a southern thing I think. My mom and aund do it, my cousins all do it, and even some of my colleagues (both male and female) do it.