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Ninji's picture

Not looking forward to Christmas with SO's SM. All she talks about is BM. It's all bad but after 5 years, it's enough already. I know what she's like. SO and I live it EVERY day. We don't need his SM brining her up every time we go over her house. I hope I can talk SO into making it a short visit, OR I might just bring my extra-large flask along with me. She just emailed SO and told him to not bring our dog with us. Ok, we didn't plan on bringing any of the three dogs with us. Ahhh


DaizyDuke's picture

I finally had to tell MIL to shut the fuck up about BMs. EVERY freaking time I would be at her house, one BM or the other would come in conversation. One day, I finally just said, "You know, I really, truly don't care what BM1 or BM2 are doing, and I would rather not have to hear their names ever again." She still slips and does it every once in a while, but she did get a wee bit better about it.

Teas83's picture

My husband's SM does this too. We only see her once a year so I don't have to deal with it all the time.

She brings BM up positively though. She makes idle chit chat and asks, "And how is BM?"

It's kind of weird to me because you'd think that she wouldn't have liked it when people discussed my husband's mom in front of her back in the day.

I guess she might not be aware of just how bad things are with BM.