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Bm asks Dh again to pull back on court

msg1986's picture

So Bm changed her number AGAIN and just called Dh. He didn't know who it was and answered and she started rattling off right away asking if he'd talked to her mom and if her mom told him how she was just in the hospital and how she almost died. Dh was like "and?" and she was like "well I can't handle court stuff right now... Your lawyer keeps calling me and they said I need to respond within 30 days and I just can't. I can't. I have too much going on to deal with this." So Dh was like "What do you want me to do?" and Bm tells him, "Can't you just pull back on court? why do you have to do this? can't you just slow all of this down and not take me to court?? I'm the mother of your son, you should care about me!" ... Yep, she pulled the "I'm the mother of your child" card. lol. Dh basically told her no dice, time is money and lawyers cost dollars and that the motion's been filed so nothing will slow down. Dh said he could tell she wanted to tell him he couldn't see Ss this weekend but she just got flustered and told him she can't believe how much he doesn't care and hung up. Oooh if this was 5 mo's ago it would have "don't even think about picking up your effin son!" my my, how your tone has changed Bm. I guess being under the microscope will do that to ya.

I probably should feel bad for her BUT when has Bm she felt bad? EVER? Bm didn't feel bad withholding Ss this year on Fathers day. Bm didn't feel bad every Xmas making Dh wait outside of her house for 30-45 min-until she decided Ss could come out. Bm never felt bad making Dh chase her all over town to pick up Ss.

It's ridiculous that she expects some sort of sympathy when she's made Dh's life hell for the past 6 years. I mean, all Dh wanted was for her to meet him half way on Sundays to exchange Ss so that he didn't have to make the 45 min drive to her house. That's it! You can't act like an ass all day long and then expect someone to help you out. Geez.


msg1986's picture

I'm still undecided on this one. Apparently her esophagus tore and she was in ICU... BUT She was posting selfies on Fb & instagram in the hospital the whole time though so I don't know how serious it really was. I mean, if you're dying, wouldn't posting pics of your face on the net be the last thing on your mind?

Maxwell09's picture

Im right here with you! Our BM thinks that she can keep doing shitty things to DH AND he should keep doing her favors "because SS is HER son" righhhhhht well

Newflash to all BMs but their happiness is not on the top of anyones list on this side of the hill.

msg1986's picture

Yep! I'm so sick of the, "I'm the mother of your son." bit. I mean, gimmie a break. She can't seem to understand that Dh can care about his son without caring about her. I don't know why she thinks she has a priority in his life. It's odd how these woman cannot figure out that if the kids were not involved these men wouldn't have anything to do with them.

msg1986's picture


Just a couple months back Dh and I were early to pick up Ss so we stopped at walgreens. At that same time Bm called to tell Dh that she wasn't at her house afterall because she had to go to walmart because she left a bag there-thus advising Dh he needed to go to walmart afterall-not her house. Dh asked her if she could turn into the walgreens that was right off the rd she was driving on (she had to pass the walgreens to get to walmart) to drop Ss real quick. Bm's exact words (screaming of course) were "I'm not going out of F**king way for you!!! You can get him at walmart!"

momandmore's picture

My DH has!!! He is very quick with sarcastic coembacks.. one thing I love about him so much.

He did say this to BM bc she like 50 times in 2 days, a lot of them ending with "how can you be so inconsiderate of your children's mother". The only way DH can communicate with BM is with sarcasm b/c she considers it to be DH flirting with her. hahaha.

BM did NOT like that statement at ALL! She started screaming and cussing and saying all kinds of things about me and then hung up. Then called and left like 7 ore VM's. It was hilarious!!

msg1986's picture

Lol! I love this Stacey! I need to tell Dh about this one, maybe he can use it before they order communication to be via email/family wizard!

momandmore's picture

Yes completely and I could never imaging myself saying that to my BK's father either. From my experience with BM and what I've read about other BM's saying this stuff.. it's just a pity ploy.

It's disgusting really.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Court is time and money. Plus she has not cared out him at all from all your posts. Sorry - but - fuck her!

DH took BM to court after smashing her face in, ending up in rehab AND a ton of DUI counts. It is what it is. Keep the court train a rollin.....

msg1986's picture

Yep, Bm hasn't given a damn AT ALL about Dh or what she's put him and even us through. She hasn't just been difficult she's been flat out evil about EVERYTHING. It shouldn't but it SHOCKS me that she would even dream that he'd be sympathetic to her. it's a joke.

Good for you Dh! You just have to with some people because you give an inch and they'll take 10 thousand miles. It's unfortunate.

msg1986's picture

I agree! Dh isn't asking for anything crazy! He told her he'd have something written up by the lawyer and she said no way because she won't agree to taking turns claiming Ss on taxes. This doesn't NEED to go to court, but it is because she isn't fair.

BethAnne's picture

If she can call your husband she can call the lawyer. Obviously not too sick to make a phone call.

momandmore's picture

I agree.. posting pics and calling your DH, she can call her lawyer.

I wouldn't feel bad for her. That is what she wants and that was the point of that phone call.
DH shouldn't feel bad for her either. I would definitely carry on with the court.