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There are times I really hate people.....

Jsmom's picture

Yesterday, was a great day for my small company, I beat out a large competitor for another project. The group wants me after all these years of going with the big firms. Awesome and then what happens, I get a Facebook message do you know this person? It is BM. I ignore it and move on and then think about it. Why would I get that? We have no common friends. Turns out that my BIL and SIL friended her a week ago. When SD was on another trip to see my IL's in NM. I am excited and happy as hell about my business and let it go.

I did mention it do DH and he was stunned, he figured it was because I was friends with SD. He said he had been getting them as well and figured it was SD. I told him I blocked her years ago from Facebook and only see her on Twitter, since I blocked her from my feed. I said it wasn't her, it was BIL, MIL, SIL are now friends with BM. So this morning, I text him to deal with it. My message was simple, either we block them or they defriend her. Up to him. He came back and said I am irritate as hell. I am defriending all of them and when they finally figure it out, I will tell them why. I do not want BM to see anything of our lives. We are leaving on another big vacation and I do not want BM to see pics of it. I can't stop SD from seeing it, but there is a part of me that is okay with that on DH's page. Maybe she will feel a little bad about her actions and what she is missing out on. Doubt it, but one can hope.

DH is mad and he should be. I told him, I am sorry, but I thought after his trip out there, they would at least have some loyalty. I knew after I figured out about SD going for Thanksgiving and this new revelation from FIL about paying for SS16's education, there was more to this. I think they are paying for my SD's college and have probably paid for her tickets out there.

I have decided I don't want to be friends with them on social media. I blocked MIL this morning. Waiting to hear back from DH about BIL and SIL, but I think I should do it anyway. Who wants to be friends with someone, who would do that?

On another funnier note, courtesy of Twitter, I did figure out that SD has lost her license and is having to take a 7 hour class today to get it back. Thanks for the chuckle. Sad thing, is BM will probably buy her another car even after totaling the last one.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah everyone....I intend to enjoy this vacation and be glad every day, that my SD is not coming along to ruin it like she did last year.


furkidsforme's picture

Why don't you just speak with them about it? It's possible that either they thought nothing of it, or friend requested BM because SD was right there telling them to do so!

Now you guys have passive-aggressively gone and blocked them all without at least having the maturity to discuss it, and potentially created WW3.

Why can't people just be direct and honest with one another? Why the need for the games?

Jsmom's picture

We have had the conversation before about SD and her visits, their answer is blood is blood. So we give up. Talked to DH tonight and we have decided to block them all. I am considering the other BIL and SIL, just to eliminate any more possible drama.

He is asking my son to delete them as well.