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Anyone interested in a good news/boast thread?

Miss T's picture

I'll start.

Skid is coming to town for winter break. He told DH that, because things didn't go so well while he was staying with us for the three months of his summer break (understatement of the century) he's arranged his winter break so he'll be staying with his one friend and BM's new boyfriend. Skid will be at our house for day visits only, maybe a night or two. DH told him he'll have to sleep on the sofa because DD will be using the spare room. (We'll be out of town for a few days, and she's staying here to watch the dogs skid manhandled while he was here over the summer.)

DH was Disney dadding for a while, and had me worried. But he really seems to get it now. I feel sorry for him, because his fantasies that everyone loves his kid are shattered. But as far as I'm concerned, Santa came early this year.

Anyone else got a glimmer of holiday joy?

lil_lady's picture

I do after school care for my SD while BM is at work. Today I was making a quick shake. When she asked why I was doing that instead of food I told her "it's easier than cooking". Her response, "ya but by the best cook in the world!!" SCORE! This is by far the pickiest eater I have ever met.

ctnmom's picture

I was going to post this but I am so busy lately I only pop in from time to time. CTBB (SS36) is my DD22s godfather. He makes sure he's at all her milestone events. Without giving too much away, my DDthen21 graduated college in a beautiful setting last June. After she got her degree, I went up to the walkway w/ Perfectsonthen24 and DIL. It was a beautiful night, and the sun was setting. CTBB came zooming up to me , honestly I've never seen him move so fast (like he was afraid he would lose his nerve)He planted a big kiss on my cheek and said "I love you so much, and I miss you guys so much" (he lives 10 hours away from us). Now, I don't cry, I didn't cry when my DD graduated that night although I was ecstatic, but I just teared up, and my throat got tight. I hugged him and told him how much I love him. Two high points in my life in one night. Smile

Nowhere in the bible does it say you have to be a doormat for someone else's rudeness.

momandmore's picture

No news is good news.. so they say. The C.O. is STILL not in and you don't see me complaining! }:) I have never in life heard of a C.O. taking this long though.. We went to modify 2mos ago! hehe tee he he

SecondGeneration's picture

I have good news, we are engaged! This is our second christmas whilst living together so our first christmas with SD4, I have some family arriving christmas eve, christmas day is bringing my fiance's brother and his girlfriend but not heard a peep out of the other brother so Im actually getting to spend christmas with my favourite people.
Slight spanner in the works, apparently my fiance got the dates wrong and we wont have SD4 as long as we originally thought but that works in our favour as that will mean more time with my BM and brother so we will be able to have more non-child friendly days than anything else.

weekendwidow's picture

I wish there was something good to report, but I'm so glad that many of you are having good things happening. It gives me hope. I'm absolutely dreading Christmas, but who knows....Miracles are happening elsewhere, so anything is possible.

Teas83's picture

I'm dreading Christmas too because SD will be with us for over a week! That's way too long. I guess the good thing is that I'm busy at work so I'll work as much as I can while she's with us and then take some time off around NewYear's to spend with my DD.

Ninji's picture

We are taking off work and having the Skids for 13 days. I love them, but gonna need to stock up on some alcohol to make it through. }:)

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

Just want you always wanted ~ a perfect delight ( singing that song from the Jack Frost cartoon movie ) !!!

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

This year we will be hosting Christmas Day which will be hectic but the wonderful fantastic news is ...... Drum roll please ....... Since SD20 ( aka Veruca ) is not welcome in our home. It will be Veruca Free !!!

And ..... Christmas Eve as well ... Since she has alienated herself from her fathers family .... ALL her doing !!!

THANK YOU SANTA ~ there will be peace during the holidays. And drama free ~ whoot whoot !!!!

thinkthrice's picture

My grown daughter and son-in-law are moving to Maryland for the job opportunities (actually southern PA) so I have to wait to send Christmas gifts when they are all settled in to their new digs.

Maxwell09's picture

Im actually looking forward to my Christmas Holiday this year. Even with BMs little text tantrum yesterday and the fact that I have to see her tonight for SS3's Christmas program and again Friday for an extra hour for his Christmas party before he goes to her house for the weekend can't dampen my Spirit! Today is Tuesday and I spend every tuesday morning with my grandma and mom. We chat about girl things: shopping, getting our hair done, SS3 who they love. They are all coming to his program tonight! And my grandma has decided to do Christmas at her house! Woot Woot Im so excited. Oh SS is going to BM Christmas Eve evening until Christmas Day evening so me, my buddahbelly and DH get to order take out and cuddle on the couch watching Netflicks.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

We'll probably never be graced with SSocoipath's presence again. That's all I've got at the moment. Now if only he and his fucking psychopath mother would disappear off the face of the planet. My life would be complete.