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Cindy66's picture

Ok, so my husband and I were doing a little Christmas shopping this evening; when right in the middle of Bed Bath and Beyond, his phone rings. It was 35 year old SD. Apparently someone called children services and said there was a complaint made about her children, and said they do not have a bed or a room of their own to sleep in..... Needless to say, she blamed me. I have no idea what their living conditions are, because they live with my husbands EX. Obviously, there must be an issue or someone wouldn't have called Children Services! Instead of getting mad and pointing fingers, she should take a good long look at their surrounding, and make sure the accusations are not true! I am so sick of the whole situation! It doesn't matter what I do, or don't do, I can't win with theses people! I have tried everything to get along with the SD's only to get kicked in the butt every time! The stress is NOT worth it!! I'm DONE!!!

Cindy66's picture

Thanks Everyone for the feedback! I'm so glad I found this site! It really helps!!! Smile Smile Smile

still learning's picture

Dumb SD, blame the evil step mother rather than actually get a bed for your kids to sleep on. Anyone could have called child services, a neighbor, kids friends parents, a teacher who overheard the kid talking about sleeping conditions. Maybe it was BM who's tired of SD sponging off of her. Life is too short to deal with that kind of crap. Next time say, "Isn't that interesting" and move along. I allow about a 2 min conversation anytime DH wants to talk about SS then something more exciting is interjected into the conversation like, "do we still have toilet paper in the hall bathroom" and "did you feed the dog today?"

SugarSpice's picture

its all a big soap opera with my skids. they constantly bicker and play each one off against the other. its hilarious to watch the older sd make the other feel bad while dh looks on oblivious. i dont get involved any more.

i noticed that no gift from the skids had my name on it. so much for the gifts i was going to give them. back to the store!