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chemcrna's picture

My DR has 3 boys from a previous marriage, he married her because she got pregnant and he felt it was the "right thing to do." 3 boys later and her announcement that she was pregnant with someone else's baby, they got divorced. She is a manipulator and a terrible person. His family knew she was crazy before they got married and it only gotten worse. After the divorce, 2 of DH's family members ended up getting restraining orders against BM and she even tried to get my DH fired from his job and arrested for domestic abuse. She had her friends steal his things while he was in the process of moving out and she had money in accounts in her mom's name so that when they split, she would have nothing and he would get jacked. Eventually he had to file for bankruptcy. She is a conniving, manipulative, drama queen. She tried to take the boys from DH and he fought her, demanding 1/2 time.

Co-parenting with her is an uphill battle. Not to mention the mental damage she had done to DH. She used to give him a minimal allowance each week so he would sell his blood just so he had enough money. She has taught, by example, all of her manipulation skills and her lying to all 3 boys. Not to mention that she has called the cops on each one of them and tried to take them all to a mental health facility for what she thinks is "help." Truly, she is the only one that needs the mental health help.


No saint's picture

And I consider myself unlucky when it comes to my SS bm... comparing to this one, Sbm is mother Theresa! Can't say I'd like to be in your shoes. Hope it gets better with time; handling crazy people is a bitch!