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Turkey day hell part 1

queenofthedamned's picture

Part 2 is likely to come tomorrow, after we have hosted our own Turkey Day.
A little background will likely be necessary for you to grasp my extreme annoyance.

FIL is on his 3rd wife (though three seems to be his and MIL’s lucky number, as they are both on their 3rd spouse and seem very happy. They’re both at around 20 years now). DH has 4 siblings – one full sister (we’ll call her the Mooch), one half sister from FIL’s 2nd marriage, and 2 half siblings from FIL’s third and current wife. The youngest siblings are still in high school, and the Mooch has never, ever let go of the resentment she feels towards them for getting to grow up in an intact family. She despises anything my FIL does with/for his minor children, which is ridiculous, because she is a grown ass 37 year old woman with a child of her own. She is the COD from hell – still relying on mommy to pay her bills and do her laundry, taking no responsibility for her life – and quite frankly, I loathe her. We actually couldn’t be more different. I have no idea how or why my SFIL puts up with her shit. But I digress.

The Mooch has NEVER held down a full time job for more than a few months. Her child is autistic, and she receives government benefits for him. She also receives benefits for her own anxiety disorder and lives off of those benefits, child support, and the kindness of others.

She is also the type of person whose life is So. Much. Worse. than any one else’s.

So tonight, celebrating an early Thanksgiving at MIL’s, when the Mooch asked me how school was going, I mentioned that it was a bit stressful to be WORKING full time and taking two demanding classes (and maintaining my 4.0) while trying to keep up with a house and 2 skids, not to mention 2 dogs and 2 cats. It’s fucking tiring, y’all.

Her response? “At least you didn’t have to do it with an infant. When I was in school my kid was a baby AND I worked full time.” Yep, for three whole months. I have been living the life of a full time employee (and NOT sucking off the government teat), step mom, and straight A student for two fucking years, but apparently that doesn’t count because I don’t have a small child. WTF-ever.
Then, after dinner, when I was sitting on the couch next to my DH, she proceeded to put her effing smart phone in DH’s face showing a video of some topless woman dancing.


I told her to knock it off, and she PUT HER FUCKING HANDS OVER MY EYES, as if I am a fucking child. I am no prude, people, I DO watch porn with my man, but I also find it very uncomfortable to be watching naked ladies with my husband in front of his mother, sister, step father and children. Again, I told her to knock it off, and she responded by telling me that her brother is a perv and she knew he was enjoying it. Again, WTF?!?

Who does that?!? I love my brother to death, but no, I’m not sharing naked lady videos with him. She is a mess.

Ugh. And I get to see her again tomorrow. Are you jealous?


positivelyfourthstreet's picture

Yuck. One time SD "accidentally" left a picture of her boobs up on her new phone that she was proudly showing her dad.


Oh-thank you for posting that cheeseburger macaroni recipe a fewmonths ago

Everyone scarfed it down and loved it

Hang in there. They'll be gone soon. I know it won't be soon enough though. ; )