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Why do you lie!!!!

DontCallMeStepmom16's picture

Not even 7am and SS12 has started. Kids asked if they could have a sleep over last night.....Sure. I work from home, in the living room on my laptop. I said I don't care where you all sleep, but if I come downstairs at 6:45am and see someone sleeping in my work chair, I'm going to be pissed. Guess what. Came down and SS12 in my chair. Woke him up and told him to find someplace else to sleep. He got up and went to the bathroom upstairs (I could hear him peeing in the toilet because he never shuts the door. Always WIDE open.) I didn't hear the toilet flush. (This is also a Dailey issue I have with these skids.)

Me: "Did you flush the toilet?"

SS: "Yes"

Me: "I didn't hear the toilet flush. The dog threw up yesterday probably from drinking your guys pissy toilet. Are you sure you flushed it?"

SS: "Yes."

Guess what....... I went upstairs and it of course it was not flushed. Told him to go flush it and he can stay in his room until everyone gets up. If there's one thing I can't stand, its lying right to my face. If I ask him about it later....."I thought I flushed it" will be the response. WHICH IS ANOTHER LIE! You just plain didn't flush it and lied about it! A freaking toilet. The 4 skids in the house are notorious for lying about the littlest things and. It. Drives. Me. Bonkers.


Onefootout's picture

Tog, you really see what's going on.

I always found passive resistance the hardest to deal with. I would have been grateful if the kid had just flipped me off or told me to eff off. At least that's something I can respond to. And it probably would have been healthier for the kid to get his anger out.

I hate all that passive manipulative crap. It doesn't resolve anything.

DontCallMeStepmom16's picture

Passive aggressive behavior is exactly it! It wasn't until just recently I figured out that's what the behavior is after living with them for years.

Knowing (which 99% of the time I do) that they are lying, telling them to go do it instead of asking if they did it, is great. I will definitely be trying that!

DontCallMeStepmom16's picture

Infuriating is right. And yes I have talked to DH about their "behavior". He is very laid back and his view is, kids will be kids. I also understand that me being the step mom and these skids did not come from my child bearing body, it gets on my nerves more than it does his.

DontCallMeStepmom16's picture

Oh sure he does! Over the years, with 4 skids that live in this house though, I am drained from it. I'm sick of the discussions on how to help them go down the right path into being productive, honest human beings.

ghostmom42's picture

I go through the same thing at home with SD11 I have to stand there and wait till she does whatever it is like washing her dish for example... She will take 10 mins and not even scrub it or use soap and when I guide her she lashes out. I wait till she's done and it still doesn't get done right. When I tell BF about what she did he ends up washing it for her while he's "showing" her how to do it..... Flushing the toilet please even if I saw her go in heard her using it and come out and he sees me asking her to go and do it and she's as usual lashing out. BF then tells me maybe she didn't do it so guess who doesn't flush the toilet either.. Ughhhhh

Onefootout's picture

Wow, Rain, I feel bad for leaving my ex (not really). His kid always flushed the toilet, but I still got mad because he didn't wash his hands. Didn't realize how good I had it. Lol.