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apparently sgs can bounce...

ltman's picture

I get off work at 11pm with visions of hot bath dancing in my head. Then I see that DH has called 5x's. SGS has fallen off a bridge on his way home from work. It's a 40' drop. DH wants me to meet them at the hospital. So I race to hospital.

The kid, 21yo, is scraped up, but otherwise ok. He doesn't know how lucky he is. The big question is how does someone sober fall off a bridge.


BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Did he get into a fight with someone and get pushed? Drugs, wrong group he's hanging out with...anything like that?

ltman's picture

Nope, he's that kid you tell don't play with a ball, you'll poke your eye out. He was walking, twisted his ankle, sat on the railing, got spooked and involuntarily jumped, fell over backwards and went sliding down an embankment with 20' at a 90 degree in the dark and freezing weather.

And I tease him about his always carrying a first aid kit.