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it never ends does it? cinderella movie

SugarSpice's picture

has anyone posted this? evil stepmothers and all but i dont need to tell you about this.

dh cant get over the h*ll of all those years of suffering, insults and threats from the skids. he whines "why cant you just forget it?"

btw, came across wedding picture of bm and dh. the smiling bride in her peasant wedding dress. who could guess that ten years later she would be sleeping with high school sweetheart (who was married) and then divorcing husband, and taking the kids.

fairy tales right?

hippiegirl's picture

Ah yes, the wedding pics. :sick:

Dh's wedding pics mysteriously disappeared one day while he was at work. Those had NO business being in the home that we shared together. Was it spiteful of me? Sure. Did it make me feel better? Hell yes!

Hmmmm24's picture

The BM sent photo albums with the kids to our house. Pictures of her and DH, pictures of all of them together, pictures of DH and her when they were born. They cracked these out at my MILs house and that's were they stayed too. I am not having those in my house and if they would have been I would have done the same thing as you.

Somuchdrama's picture

Same here. If it comes from BM and it doesn't go back with them when they leave, I toss it. I can't stand any remembrance of the nasty woman in my home.

Glassslipper's picture

LOL. I will take my daughter and SD to see it for sure!
I'm a BM and a SM. Whenever my bio-daughter "complains" I will tell her
"watch your attitude or I will smash your glass slipper all over this floor!"

We laugh...

I would love to see this movie.

intrinsicmemory's picture

Can I just point out that the Evil Stepmother in Cinderella is more like the BMs we all have to deal with... not us?

We're the Cinderellas. Constantly cleaning up after ungrateful brats... I just wish I had had mice that would have let me out of the locked room in time to try on the glass slipper to meet my prince. Instead I had to marry the village idiot.