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Can't deal with her nastiness anymore!!!!

blueeyeone77's picture

I'm dating a man with a 10yr old daughter. After living with them for sometime now, trust me I've questioned if this relationship is worth it just putting up with her. She has the most unbelievable body odor I've ever encountered. And yes even her "feminine area" is enough to make you gag. We make her shower every day sometimes twice a day and she still stinks. On the days were lucky enough to get her to put deodorant on are a blessing but for me, someone who's always been very hygiene aware, I just cant fathom not being able to smell your own body and want to do something about it. On top of the odor, shes an absolute slob. She never cleans up after herself, eats as much as a grown man( and it shows!) She often stuffs her face when we are not downstairs watching her or in our room. Me and her dad constantly fight over it because I can't put up with it. My kids are very healthy and are thin, but she is 10 and weighs more than I do. While her dad is at work and when the kids get home from school I find myself staying in my bedroom just to avoid smelling or dealing with her. I'm too embarassed to take her anywhere or meet my family/friends because of it. The other night we ate dinner ata family members house and she offered to help with the cooking and just dug her hands into the salad to toss it and me and my mom literally looked at eachother and had the same mortified look on our face. We didnt eat the salad that night. I honestly am at a loss of what to do. Ive told her dad many times to take her to the Dr just for a check up to make sure she doesnt have an infection down there but I dont know how much longer I can deal with her.

Ninji's picture

I went into Skids outhouse this morning, something I rarely do, and noticed that they have the same amount of body wash in the bottle as they did two months ago. Which made me think, I can't remember the last time I bought them body wash. So I guess we have to have a talk about how they have been washes their asses when the get to our house this weekend. AHHHH

Evil stepmonster's picture

If showers aren't working, maybe it's something she's eating or like you said an infection.
But, her weight shouldn't be anything for you to be complaining about. She's not as thin as your kids, so what. I hope you're not saying those things about her weight to her or where she can hear them. You might also look into what her mother is like. Does her BM teach her hygiene?

blueeyeone77's picture

As for her BM, she passed away when the daughter was only 5 months old...which probably explains some of her habits being raised primarily by just one man. Sometimes we do bring up the fact that she needs to watch what she eats and make healthier choices. I was an obese child and I know how bullying effects your self esteem. I feel the need to stay with her Dad because he's the most amazing man Ive ever met and I feel like the good outweighs the bad, we just need to get the daughter issue resolved.

Disillusioned's picture

I agree with evilstepmonster, broken.lost, foreverstacey and beaccountable on this one - how sad for your SD. Surely this child needs more than anything love, help and support!

FrackturedBradyBunch's picture

I'm just wondering how anybody knows "feminine area" is enough to make you gag?

I have full time step daughters and they too smell. They smell of body odour, unwashed hair and are just generally smelly. I do not know about the feminine area....

I have been with these girls more that 3 quarters of their lives, I have explained and explained, nagged and nagged, yelled and yelled on how to wash. I have mimed, I have bought every product, body washes, hair detanglers, deodorants, body sprays, perfumes, you name it. They just don't bloody wash! Simple as that. The 14 year old came downstairs only the other week, DH asks have you cleaned your teeth, yes, see smell. Sooooo I say, so if I go upstairs and get your toothbrush is will have been used??, I just rinsed toothpaste in my mouth.....the whole 3 of them do this....their white collars have slimy grime like a homeless person because they simply do not wash.

She needs to go to the doctor, she could possible have an infection from simple never washing. She needs to be formally educated on the art of personal hygiene, enough is enough.

Jelly2's picture

You can smell a rotten "feminine area" simply by being seated as the SD either walks by you-fem area level with your face-or worse, SD stands there. We have had the same B. O. issue with my SD13. She is getting better at washing, however, she will not wipe after #1 or #2 if that means she will have to refill the toilet paper. Because 5 steps to the cabinet is just too hard. Gross. We have a (negligent)BM, but the OP doesn't so I think that OP should make an appointment for BF's kid and then tell BF when and where.
As far as the overweight, had that too...."my mom has a drawer full of snacks and I can have anything I want any time I want"...we don't keep crap food at our house, but SD would fill her plate 3 times! I suggest leaving the serving dishes on the stove and the counter and fill the plates buffet style. Kid is a lot less likely to get extra helpings if she has to get up and get them herself.
I hope this has been helpful.
Let me just add that Im sorry the BM died, but if there is a bright side, at least OP doesn't have to deal with a BM-that is a whole nother nightmare in itself.

Rags's picture

Time for you to force DH to take her to a doctor to at least get the fem odor stuff dealt with. Poor kid needs some help.