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Shake it off, Shake it off-so help me if I hear this song again today!

HappyCow's picture

Uggh! I am going to shake my radio out of the window if that song comes on one more time!

I will be honest I did think the song was catchy when it first came out and the video is adorable. I even like to see that she visits sick kids in the hospital to sing for them but holy cow this song is driving me up the wall!!


GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

I really like the song, but I agree.

But it's still better than All About the Bass! I can NOT escape that song!

Tuff Noogies's picture

lmao - i love that one!!!! not my type of music, the kids listen to those stations - but it bugs the HELL outta them, so i turn it up every time!!!