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Stephell & Mental Illness - How Common is It?

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Old me, new account. I learned the hard way not to tell anyone about StepTalk.

So, genetics has always interested me. Maybe it's because I grew up on a ranch and understand the importance of good bloodlines?

Anyway, DH & I have been married a long time - about a hundred years in step-time. I've been around his family long enough to know that there's a big old streak of instability that goes back at least four generations on his maternal side. Addiction, anxiety, & personality disorders hang like ornaments from his family tree. I can see it in his siblings, and their offspring, and in his own kids. DH's grandmother was manic; his mother was a chronic alcoholic; he was drawn to mate with loonies, and now the dysfunctional skids have done the same. It's all so sad, but nobody ever addresses it.

So many stories on this site have a component of mental illness. Usually it's the BM, but some of us have crazy skids, MILs, and DHs. It took ripping off my SM "kick me!" sign and stepping away for me to see that these people (some of whom I love dearly) are merely doing what they are programmed to do. Fish gotta swim, etc. Nothing to do with me.


ChiefGrownup's picture

What happened when you told someone about ST?

Don't know BM and clan well enough to opine on mental illness. But from what I've seen and what DH tells me, BM is repeating a pattern set by her mother and SD15 is picking up several of the tricks. On top of that, BM may have some kind of agoraphobia or something. She can appear quite normalish on the outside but when you know her lifestyle and her child-rearing, you can see something is off-key.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I confided in an inlaw that I was active on this site & had found it very helpful. She is also a SM, so I thought it would be a good resource for her. Big mistake. She blabbed to all the other harpy inlaws. It was BM who clued me in. Yup, nice.

I deleted my old account & went radio silent as a guest for a year. A few people on here know who I am.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I know, right? She's the most normal one in the bunch, & I thought we had a civil relationship. She struggles with her inlaws, her BM, and the $$ that go to support her DH's first family. But someone always has to be the whipping boy in this family. I drew a target on myself when I disengaged from my greedy skids. Without me playing cruise director, DH got a lovely view of his kids' asses and, He WALKED AWAY FROM HIS ADULT KIDS, TOO OMGOMGOMG!! Cue much foaming at the mouth, wringing of hands, game playing & manipulation. DH won't talk to his kids, won't talk to his sibs, won't do anything but stick his head in the sand, yet I'm the bad guy. Classic stuff, really.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Ah. Thanks. That would indeed be a dramatist. Geez, you were just trying to help her. No good deed goes unpunished. Sigh.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

The ways of DH's family have always seemed alien to me. We have drug addicts in this family. Domestic violence, personality disorders, depression and self-harming too. Serious stuff, IMO. Yet they all pretend everything is great. It's bizarre. There's never any honest dialogue, just pretense.

DH & I pretty much live in our own bubble. Together, we are pretty healthy. It's when we start letting his family get close that things go sideways. I love the man, I love what we have, but I don't respect him as a parent and given his family history procreating with him would be insanity.

misSTEP's picture

BM was sent to a therapist when she was quite young...numerous times, multiple therapists. Her parents couldn't handle her. They finally sent her to live with relatives thousands of miles away. But then she came back. That's when she latched onto my DH and somehow decided that sleeping with a bunch of guys and stringing the best one along was a great way to earn "free" money.