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Feel like I have another skid

Aeron's picture

And it's annoying. It's not life altering, it's not the worst thing ever, but it's annoying.

DH has a "nephew" from a "sister" that was never fostered, adopted or a step or anything. She was a troubled kid that stayed at their house sometimes but was mostly in a group home. This nephew is.... special. What kind of special, I can not say because he has never been diagnosed to my knowledge. But he must have something wrong with him because social security recently decided he deserved a check every month.

In the past 2 months, the kid has blown thru 6 grand. He is now calling my BIL I hear every hour for more money. BIL is calling DH. Nephew is calling DH. So DH is getting all wound up and bent out of shape because this kid (adult- 23, 24?) is so irresponsible. Which is nothing new. His BM coddled the crap out of him. He's never had to be responsible. He blames everyone else for his problems. He is living with his dad and grandma now, so he has no rent, no food bill, etc.

So Why does he need money so badly? Is it Possible to spend 6 grand on scratch off tickets and magic the gathering cards? In 2 months? And why does DH feel the need to become So emotionally involved?


BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Dad and Gma need to kick him out. I can understand DH's frustration. Maybe DH can try to lay low for awhile, not answer nephew's calls? Or maybe he could give him a bis-ass dose of tough love since no one else seems to want to do it. I know plenty of people who could live comfortably off of 3Gs a month. This nephew sounds ridiculous. Is he dealing drugs? Gambling debt?

Be supportive of DH. I'm pissed and I don't even know you guys, lol!

~ Mon

Aeron's picture

I find him pretty ridiculous. I also find him "never allowed to spend the night in my house" which almost caused a fight with DH.

DH is the only one that routinely tells nephew the truth. The problem is that nephew just calls around until he finds Someone that agrees with what he wants to do, which is pretty easy considering the loser friends he has, and just does whatever he wants.

As for ignoring the calls... DH feels Responsible. The most I can talk him into it ignoring the 11 pm calls and texts and making the kid wait until a decent hour of day.

I wondered about the drugs. I asked DH, but he Insists the nephew was Adamantly against drugs and booze.... Which sounds like a lot of the guys around here.... "My kid isn't having sex/drinking/doing drugs...."

Aeron's picture

Mom is dead and dad apparently just got home from rehab. Early. Because he's just that good. :?

Aeron's picture

Yea basically. He's a COD, and a beautiful picture for all those dads out there that just "don't know what to do" with a BM that Hates the dad and thinks precious is too special to have to grow up and be responsible.

Btw, dad is also going thru a divorce cause the SM, surprise surprise doesn't want to live with this adult child that never showers, brushes, doesn't work..... Yeah. Nephew is the horror story we all fear moving in with us.

Aeron's picture

I have been told the monthly check is around 800. He got a lump sum check for 5 grand, I don't know why. That's why I said 6 grand in 2 months. Not 3 grand a month. Sorry for not clarifying that.