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Been a busy bee!

rainbow bright83's picture

What I have been up to:
I haven't been online here for a while. My Dad and his wife were finally evicted from my Grandma's property, and now we are in the process of remodeling the house due to damage caused by them. And once its done, we will be moving in.
Im excited,but it has been difficult working on the house since its the house I was raised in. My father and I have not talked in a long time due to his new wife. I had to disengage myself from her, which then caused my relationship with my father to deteriorate. (my dad was abusive to me and my brothers and we had sort of reconciled and now are not speaking again)
The house is much bigger than the one we are renting now, so I'm very excited about it! We expect to be there for a couple years and then buy our own place.
