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microwaving your iphone??

Calypso1977's picture

i can totally see my idiot SD doing this. just better not be in my microwave!

ItHasGottenBetter's picture

My coworker was talking about his yesterday.

Apple people are so smart they figured out how to microwave metal. If its on the internet it must be true, right? LMAO.

hereiam's picture

Oh, now see, I thought it meant that the phone could be used AS a microwave. Just set your food on it and press a button and BAM, food re-heated. Portable microwave.

Rags's picture

Stupid is as stupid does ..... and this is pretty fricking stupid. The problem with far too many people these days is that the only thing smart about them is their phone. They can't read a map and get lost pulling out of their driveway if they don't have their GPS/phone on. They follow wrong directions as given to them by their GPS and are too stupid to figure it out. They can't remember their home phone number or any important phone number if their phone dies. Heaven forbid if they lose their charger. They sit and stare at their phone with tears in their eyes.

No wonder these idiots would microwave their phones.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture


SanityPlease's picture

Not that my SD13 would ever be ALLOWED to have an iphone6... she would totally do this and believe this. SMH. And she would argue about it with me to boot.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh my! SheSloth overheard DH ask if my iPhone 6 had shipped yet. She got all sweet all of a sudden and asked if that meant she was getting my iPhone 5! Yes...she was just given a Windows smartphone by one of her friends, but apparently she isn't all that happy with it...she likes iPhones better. Sorry SheSloth...even if my iPhone 5 didn't have to be returned to AT&T, I would not give it to you!

Waiting for the Windows phone to get broken in some way now.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

LOL...BS19 just bought himself the newest Galaxy Note right before he left for school. of those things you can do when you actually get off of your butt and make your own money...instead of thinking the world owes you everything!

She must be really desperate, because after I said the iPhone 5 had to go back, she asked if she could have my iPhone 4. Again, told her no. Told her, "That is my backup phone in case my phone breaks for whatever reason." In other words, I would rather it sit in a drawer than ever give it to SheSloth!!! DH brings up that if SheSloth can find $100, BS19's old iPhone 4 with the broken screen is still lying around...LOL.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

LOL! It is about time for me to clear out the old phones in the house! My shiny new iPhone 6 and the case come in today. Going to be sure to display it around SheSloth as much as possible this weekend...telling DH things like, "Oh, you are right! This new camera is amazing! Oh, and the phone is so the new processor! 64GB! I can fit twice as much music on this on than my old one!"

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I was so right about SheSloth "not liking" the Windows phone she was given! The subject came up, because DH wants to use her upgrade to get an iPhone 6+, and then give her his iPhone 5S. I told him she doesn't NEED an iPhone. He says, "It isn't about need...she is just more used to iPhones because of her iPods, so that is what she would rather have." You know what? I don't give a flying flip what she would rather have! She has a perfectly good phone that she hasn't even had a month, and she is already griping about it! I told him, he really needs to learn to say no! She doesn't get just because she wants or would rather have. She gets because she has earned it! And girlfriend hasn't earned jack! I'm just waiting for the Windows phone to mysteriously end up broken!

Oh, and I forgot I put the box to my iPhone 5 in a different place. DH tries to be nice and get my box to return my phone. He grabs the box to his iPhone 5 (that he had before the 5s). I open it and the headphones are gone. I ask him if he got the right box, because I never used my headphones. He goes through all the iPhone boxes he can find, and none of them have headphones. Why? Because he has given SheSloth every pair over the last year (that is a total of 4 old iPhone 4 headphones, his iPhone 4 headphones, and both pair of his iPhone 5 headphones). That is when I remembered I hid my box so he wouldn't give SheSloth my headphones for my iPhone 5, because I knew I would have to return it! You can bet my iPhone 6 box is in a hiding place for the same reason.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Ha! Don't have to worry about an iPhone for SheSloth!

DH was looking through her Facebook, and found more "bird" pictures!!! He was pissed!!! Told her she came forget being added to the data plan for a while! She has to go an entire year of posting no "stupid" pictures before DH will even consider an iPhone, now! He is so done with social media stupidity. Now, not enough to make her shut it down, but enough to know girl does not need 24/7 access to the Internet no matter where she is!

WIN! Yeah...I tipped him off to the pictures. I told him with her standing right there! She couldn't get out of it! The look of horror on her face was priceless, as she didn't realize I knew they were there!

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

OK, what is a bird picture lol? I know fishface but not I just told DH the other day that I didn't think SD13 would need a phone next year for high school. She has an iPod Touch now that she can access wi-fi with at our house (and at school, grrrr....) and she can text on it. She will never call anyone so why should we add her to our data plan for $65 a month? So she can have internet on the school bus to and from school? Makes no sense. DH said that we could set a data limit for her and when it is reached she is cut off until the next month. Then I said I wasn't going to have both skids on our cell phone plan at once. SD19 got her cell 2 months before she turned 14, back in May 2009. Yes, I was helping budget for her cell even before DH and I were engaged. It wasn't that much money, but its the principle. We never asked BM to help pay her share either. I told DH that May 2015 would be six years that SD19 would have had her cell for free. Time for her to start paying a small bill and start getting used to the real world. She will never earn enough money on her own in the beginning. I wonder how she will be when she turns 25 and BM's silver spoon lands firmly in her mouth. Ugh.

Cell phones are overrated. Get a life already. LOL

~ Moon

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Shooting the bird...flipping off...middle finger to the world as if to say F you! LOL

Seems to bee SheSloth's favorite finger jester when she doesn't think we are paying attention!