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SD 11 and doesnt do anything

nobios3steps's picture

My 11 SD will not do anything around the house, no chores, no cleaning of her room or anything without a horrible fight to get her to do it. She is horribly lazy and un motivated.

I have resorted to anything that is on the floor is gone and she has to earn it back.

I feel bad that I do this, but I am not living in a house where a room looks like it has exploded. I also do not let anything else in the room, she loves to do certain crafts and things, but after blowing up a vacuum for beads on the floor I put the stuff up or tell people please do not buy things like that because she just can't handle cleaning up after herself.

I feel like I am always the bad "guy" my husband does the same as I do, but I always get the backlash from everything.

She (meaning me) is always so mean cause she tells me to do this and that.

(they are with us all the time with only 2-4 days visitation with the BM a month)

nobios3steps's picture

Thank you, I know it is just hard with all this "stuff" everywhere. Bathroom, kitchen, living room.

I get tired of cleaning.

milldog's picture

You have every right to keep pushing for her to clean up after herself. My SD12 does the same thing. Neither of her parents are big on tidy homes, let alone clean. She is such a pig, and I can't live that way. You leave something out at my house and I assume you don't want it anymore! Just cleaning up after yourself is a huge ordeal, let alone an actual chore. Makes me crazy. Sad

nobios3steps's picture

That is what I do, leave it out, you dont want it anymore. I tell them clean it up one time. After that gone.....

This is after telling them over and over and over.

I quit buying stuff too, you waste something you live without it for a while. (Soda was a big thing, now it isnt there isnt any for them to drink)

milldog's picture

Oh...and SD12 asked her father if she could start getting an allowance! I looked him straight in the eye and said "for doing what????". He dropped it.

nobios3steps's picture

Exactly she wants everything phone allowance and does nothing. She shares a room so it is hard on her sister who is a cleaner, she sometimes cleans the whole room while the other one does nothing. I can't have the room like it is, it is disgracful and she needs to learn some skills of cleaning, I asked her do you need to be taught how to fold clothes and put them on the hanger. (Her mom use to do everything for her when she lived there), it is time at 11 to learn some life skills.

If she messes up in other areas of the house she is told to clean it up, if she doesnt the stuff is gone. I use to stack it all in the door way of the room.

I told her I would not be letting any friends come over while I am there since the room is such a mess.

I have disengaged but when it comes to being that lazy I can't and I have to do something. These kids dont even flush the toilet.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

My DH made the rule that if it's left on the floor when the skids leave, it's garbage. PrincASS15 and S12 have both lost clothing.

When DH told me he would pick up things in the living room, I glared at him for a good 10 seconds and said, "If you pick it up, I will be right behind you to put it back where it was. At 12 and 15 they are old enough to pick up their own trash and you are too tired from WORKING 12 HOUR SHIFTS to be their maid." He now tells them 5 minutes before it's time to leave for BioMonster's house that they need to put/throw stuff away. Bahahahahaaaaa!

niknakpaddywak2's picture

You could put everything in a garbage bag and put it in a corner or just leave her room a mess or sweep the mess into her room. You could shut the door. Or tell your DH to clean it up especially if she's getting nasty with you. If you clean it yourself then she'll expect you to do it all the time. Can you.tolerate one room being a mess.

TakemySKIDS's picture

I now just close the door to their room. They are still young so I put it on their dad to clean up after them.

i used to clean the room but then dad and kids would just mess it up all over again.

It will probably be tougher for me to ignore their mess as they grow older and we buy a house together. For now it still feels like their dad's house but hell if I'm paying the mortgage there will be no doors shut in my house to hide SKIDs filth.