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prime example of why it's hard to like skid1

queenofthedamned's picture

He has his likable moments, for sure. But damn that kid displays some seriously narcissistic traits.

Background: He got a new phone yesterday. His 5th cell phone in 18 months. MIL paid $100 for it despite the fact that his plan was due for an upgrade and he could have gotten the previous model for free.

DH told MIL he wasn't paying a dime towards the phone because a) the free upgrade was still a very good phone and b) skid was supposed to work for the money to purchase this phone and did shit all. Could've easily EARNED the money for that phone. Instead, it was handed to him.

So, tonight we were all sitting at the kitchen table shooting the shit. DH and I have been working out A LOT and have seen some serious changes in our physiques. He looks AH-MAZING and has a serious gun show. He was flexing for us, more because he's kind of amazed by the results he's seeing, but a little bit wanting to show off what he's EARNED through lots of sweat and hard work.

Skid says "Dad is so proud of himself! He likes to show it off.... Just like me. I'm proud of my phone and show it off every chance I can get."

I wanted to say "But your dad EARNED those guns through hard work, which you know nothing about."

But I said nothing, just walked away and lit a cigar. So not worth it.

Now skid1 has been talking to DH about how AWESOME his phone is for a fucking hour. SHOOT. ME. NOW.

MIL loves to enable people and feed into their entitlement. She needs to feel needed. I get that, but she's not doing anyone any favors. (See her 37 year old daughter who is completely incapable of working and supporting her damned self. You and I, the taxpayers, and MIL foot that bill.) She said that this phone will be skid1's Christmas gift, and DH swore that he'd hold her to it. If she attempts to give skid anything he said he'd snatch it out of skid's hands and claim it as his own LOL. Hope he sticks to it.


GoodBye's picture

Haha oh gosh, I'm sorry but this is NOTHING compared to some people, trust me. I worked at Bell for many years, and some of the stuff I've seen you wouldn't even believe! I've had divorced parents/married parents/grandparents you name it, buy their 11 year old kids the latest greatest phones out there. It starts out with them coming in and saying they're looking for a phone for their kid so they can keep in touch with them while they're at events/hanging out with a friend, so I show them a texting phone. This beloved spoiled kid then has a fit because they waaannnt an iPhone/smartphone, and the parent caves and ends up spending like $250 on a phone plus a $90 data plan. For an ELEVEN year old. Then they come back two months later because the kid's phone got damaged/stolen and yell at ME out of their own shame because they feel stupid they ever bought such a phone in the first place. Seriously, it's ridiculous lol. I hope he's paying for his plan at least! Otherwise, I guess it's grandma's problem.

Aeron's picture

We almost had this happen. SD's phone broke or well, she broke her phone. So we went to the store, la la la, she's pointing out all the pricey phones. DH asks the guy, the guy shows him the ones that are the same, clam she'll type SD already had. SD didn't want to make a decision (because what she wanted was the iPhone) DH started to waver. So I asked the sales person what the insurance, replacement, etc was with the iPhone. Holy cow expensive! And this wasn't the first broken phone.

So I pull DH aside and ask him how much is he willing to spend on this endeavor. He hems and haws, says he had paid for the insurance whatever before he didn't feel like he should Have to pay anything at all. So, being the idiot I was, I marched SD over to the free replacements and asked, this one or that one, pick or we're leaving, you've had 2 hours to decide. If she could have chucked me over the cliff, she would have. Phones were an issue with her Always. She's still pissed years later that her father never bought her an iPhone. She was still screaming at him about last time they talked.

queenofthedamned's picture

Of course the kid isn't paying for his plan. DH and BM are supposed to split it but ya know, she's poor (sob, sob) so usually DH gives his mom money for the bill. MIL always undermines DH and it's so frustrating. It might not be the worst thing ever, but this kid broke/destroyed 4 iphones in 18 months. Now he has the latest and greatest Samsung phone, which will soon be broken as well, because he doesn't have to EARN anything.

Last night as he was sitting there bragging about the effing phone I reached my limit, and told him "The only people who should be bragging about that phone are the people who designed it. You are just one of millions of people to have one. Big whoop. When you design a cell phone feel free to brag, but until then knock it off."

It felt great.