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BM or SS is lying-but who?

starfish1012's picture

Some very random things happen when SS8 is at BM's house.

For example, a hand injury causing so much pain that "he doesn't feel up to going to soccer practice" when his hand hadn't hurt for a whole week prior (when he was home with DH and me). He hadn't even needed ibuprofen for days.

Or, another example is that he lost one of his molars. Same day as the hand injury "pain". Again, the whole week prior, none of his teeth were loose in the least. Now, I'm not saying BM pulled out a tooth that wasn't even loose JUST so it could happen on her time with the child, but the whole thing smells really fishy to me.

Many things like this happen. Strange explanations from BM (or both of them) or occurrences that don't match up with SS8's normal behavior/patterns. What's really going on?

We're definitely going to ask about the hand and the tooth, but then when he tells us a different story (which usually happens), who do we believe and how do we address it with BM? She has outright told us before that she babies him, so if he's lying about his hand so she babies him and keeps him home from soccer, then we have a lying issue as well as a BM issue!

We inherently trust SS8 over BM, but he's only 8. So it's a tricky one. Any thoughts?

starfish1012's picture

Thank you for your feedback. I agree with you on all points!

However, BM already is actively PAS-ing DH and I. So it makes things all the more complicated because we want to defend what she tells SS.