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MamaBass's picture

Does anyone out there have any suggestions on disengaging without having to be run out of my house? I mean I'm okay with running errands and finding stuff to do on weekends, but on a weekday night when I don't feel like leaving the house, I don't want to just hole myself up in my room... then I feel like skids win! Taking over the house! Plus if I keep my new 5 month old with me, SS10 will constantly be coming in asking questions and telling me stories about moms friend who just had a baby, and my mom's bf.. blah blah blah... Thank goodness SS15 usually has enough homework to keep him quiet for awhile.

Maybe I can convince DH to tell him he has to find something to do in his room...?
(Btw they are with us W/Th and every other weekend)

Sports Fan's picture

I think DH needs to do something with them, not just tell them to do something in their room. Their reason for being there is to spend time with DH. Maybe suggest some activities that DH can do with them. Then that will leave you time to spend with your 5 month old.