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SD is the Caring that Keeps on Giving

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Yes, that is sarcasm. Yesterday after SD ditched DH while he was in the ER, we both sat her down and explained in very simple English (this kid has an extremely low understanding of social situations and emotions) the importance of compassion and that means sometimes you need to place your own desires on hold (like running off with you friends) so that you can be there for another person. SD just stared blankly at DH. It didn't register in that brain...But, I had hope that at a minimum, the guilt would hit a nerve.

NOPE!! DH is home from work sick today. When we woke up, we found another note from SD saying she's with her friends. AGAIN. It bothers me that she will do the exact same thing 2 days in a row even after she knew how much it hurt DH's feelings.