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SD Pre Teen can be a big baby all she wants!

Frustr8d1's picture

SD11-soon to be 12--has been with us full time for 6 out of 11 yrs of her entire life. If my math is correct, that means she has been in our house fulltime for more years than the time she spent with BM fulltime! BM had her the first 5 yrs of SD's life then handed her over to us full time. BM has only seen/talked to SD 2-3 times since.

For all intents and purposes, SD is like my full time child. I do absolutely everything for her that a regular BM would do. Cook, clean, wash, teach, help with homework, get school supplies, field trip needs, friends' birthday get the idea. SD even introduces me as her "mom" to her friends & teachers.

Well, SD has YET to act like a full time "daughter" to me even though I have been a full time "mom" to her for more than half her damn life.

SD has had a habit of hiding in her room FOR THE PAST 6 YEARS and refuses STILL to interact with me. What-the-fk-ever. I had to learn to disengage. But when I'm worried every night about what she is to eat for dinner, but she won't even give me the time of day, I can't help but feel completely used!

Tonight, DH has the flu. Nice Friday. DH has been in bed all evening sleeping, while I'm out here cooking dinner for me, BD, SD, and hopefully DH. Instead of coming out of her room to say even one word, SD decides to go even further into hibernation. I walked past her room...she sees me and closes the door...then turns off the 8:00. This is the kid who never turns off her light to go to sleep until midnight, on school nights. And it's Friday. But tonight, on a Friday, she decides to sulk and shut me and BD out even further by sending a clear message that she wants to stay as far away from us as possible.

This is hard for me to explain to BD4, that her "so-called sister" just shuts her out of her life completely. SD regularly shuts BD out and BD cries from the rejection. So now, poor little spoiled SD. All upset that daddy has the flu so there is no one here tonight to Kiss ass to.

I made dinner. But, I'm not going to knock on SD's door to cater and coddle a kid who clearly wants nothing to do with me after 6 years even though I've been there for her every need more than half her life! If she's hungry, I'm sure she will come asking because it's always all about HER.


kathc's picture

OK, I am not one to jump on the poor skiddo bandwagon...but at that age she probably does realize that you're more a mom to her than her egg donor and it makes her feel bad.

I'd try hugging her. Yep. I said it. Nope, my account wasn't hacked. LOL

Hug her. Keep doing it.

From what you're saying it doesn't sound like she's a bad kid. Hug the crap outta her.

She's going to try rejecting you because her own shitty excuse for a mother rejected her. So she's thinking YOU won't stick around and care for her because her "REAL MOM" didn't. So just keep making sure that kid gets a hug every day before she leaves for school, when you get home at night and before bed.

I've seen it work in "regular families" when there was a kid pulling, it could work...

Frustr8d1's picture

Good advice. I appreciate it. I'm just afraid it won't work on this one. I suspect she's and Aspie. I'm afraid there's some genetic components to the problem too. Thanks again.

Nette5's picture

Aspie's don't necessarily reject physical contact the same as autism. My Aspie BS11 likes contact & can be extremely aware of other people's feelings, even when he can't express his own feelings.

Blueburger's picture

At least she calls you sd6 corrects anyone who mistakes me for her mom and says I'm her I don't do absolutely everything mom-like all fucking day for her...DH says give it time...I have yet to learn my true place as stepmom I does everyone do it?!

Blueburger's picture

Sorry forgot to mention, yes, genetic stuff is scary. While sd6 gets her smarts from DH, she may be bipolar or have add because of psycho BM...