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Can't BM do ANYTHING for HER kids?

coping's picture

Promises the kids school clothes. What do we get? Nothing. We fall for it again!! But in her defense, she had a sob story. It all goes back to my DH dumping her sorry ass 7 years ago. Rent a U-Haul and move on! Do something for your kids! She contributes NOTHING. EVER. No CS, no birthday/Christmas gifts, nothing.


Smellissa's picture

" Rent a U-Haul and move on!" I love this! LOL

BM in my situation doesn't contribute ANYTHING either, but she is posting all over Facebook "I miss my babies!" Know how hard it is not to tell her to grow up and get off crack?

Some women never wanted kids, they just wanted a meal ticket. I can't be sure this is true for BM in your situation, but I'd make that bet anyways

coping's picture

Meal ticket, yes. Once we were awarded custody she is allowed to email them. Which happens on average a monthly basis. I've seen them. The one to the two younger one is about a line. I love you forever, blah blah blah. To the oldest is a bashing of DH and I and our home. No real love or support or guiding. Just keeping tabs on us. What ever idiot.

JingerVZ's picture

Some people never change. Failures are blamed on the past where U-Hauls don't exist.
7 years? Maybe she will get the itch and change. Maybe you will see a flying U-Haul go overhead, escorted by a squadron of pigs...
Yeah, this crap gets tiring. Sorry for you, DH and the skids. Smile