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I told SS last night to stop acting like a freakin' child

Drac0's picture

Of course in so doing I got reprimanded by DW. I don't give a shit.

BS and BD go to bed at 8:30. Usually they go to sleep right away. Sometimes it takes them some time to settle down. Last night was one of those times. DW stayed in the room with them. She just sits in a chair between them singing or telling a story until they fall asleep. I'm in the living room folding laundry.

SS crawls into bed at 9pm. At about 9:15, he starts calling.




DW doesn't hear him because the door is closed.

At about the 5th time that SS calls I barge into his room and demand what his deal is.

"I want Mommy to say good night to me."

That's when I lost it.

"Really SS!? Are you 14 years old or 4 years old? You can't get up out of bed to wish your mother good night? She has to come in here and tuck you in like you're a baby!?!? You are ridiculous!"

Reset Waterworks meter

I closed the door on him and stomp off. Of course DW heard me and asks me what is going on. I told DW that either she straightens him out or I will. I've had enough of SS's "I want mommy to coddle me" bullshit!

"Okay, okay...calm down Drac0."

So back to folding clothes I go, and I turn on ID discovery which is featuring "Born To Kill". Ugh. Not the best show for me to watch when I am in this mood, but all my regular shows are off-air for now.

I needs to get me some serious Wooosaaaaaaahhh.....


DaizyDuke's picture

Given that I now know your SS14 is super tall, all I can picture is the scene from Elf when Will Farrell is in the bed yelling "Dad, Daaaaad, DAAAAAAAAd" because he wants to be tucked in and I'm laughing my butt off. Seriously though, your SS is going to turn into a giant man baby if your DW doesn't get on this crap!

I wonder if Donkeyballs tucks SS in every night?? I'm guessing that is a big fat no. I wonder if SS acts like a man child when at Donkeyballs house??

Drac0's picture

SS loves that movie! Never thought he viewed it as a guide on how to live his life.

No, Donkeykong is the exact polar opposite of DW. There is not a nurturing/sympathetic cell in his whole body. The therapist even said that what love SS missing from his father SS is getting from his mother.

Drac0's picture

You got me! It's so annoying that us short people had to get those straight A's and work hard to get where we are when all the tall people get fed all the goodies with a silver spoon! Biggrin

thinkthrice's picture

EX-actly. I can vividly remember Chef bragging over how his kids are the "biggest in their class."

Smartest? yeah right. that's for wussies according to Chef.

Of course your kids are mammoth! Mommykins is 6 feet tall and well over 225. Daddykins is more like 5' 9" and 230--very stock build. And all three are brought up on a pure diet of junk/fast food.

misSTEP's picture

I wonder what it will take for your DW to wake up and see him for his true age...not the age she seems to want him to be stuck at.

zerostepdrama's picture

THIS ^^^^ and this is my DH with YSD. He was still allowing her to sit on his lap and hold his hand in public, etc. I was like :jawdrop: WTF

She isnt a little kid anymore. She has boobs bigger then me..... quit letting her sit on your lap like she is 4. She is 13 (at the time).

UUUGGGHHH so annoying....

Drac0's picture

I keep carrying my cell with me at all times in the hopes to catch SS and DW in the "lover's embrace" just like Redwings did with her DH and Stepdevil. So far no luck.'s picture

I try to do the same thing!! Usually I'm busy hiding out but when I come down for a drink and see FDH rubbing SD17 back or feet and snuggling I NEVER have my camera on me! Ugh!
Mental note- carry phone at all times!!!

DaizyDuke's picture

Oh gross!!!!!! I don't know how you ladies deal with a "mistress" in your home. Thank Jesus, Mary, Joseph and all the saints that DH is not like this with SD16. I would be gone if so. I honestly don't think I have ever even seen them hug. Sitting on laps, backrubs, it's like flirting! It's gross! Gag me!'s picture

It's disgusting and I don't let him touch me after that, I'm just creeped out. He got really mad when I told him how weirdo it was- he of course doesn't see it like that. When I mentioned y don't they snuggle and rub on eachother when Sd's boyfriend is over????? He got dead silent *crickets* LAst time she was over he stayed up her ass but was atleast on a different couch!


zerostepdrama's picture

Oh yeah I need to do that. Thankfully I dont see skids that often and I have made it pretty clear that I dont like it and I will break up the love fest.

There was a pic on FB of DH and his 4 kids and there is YSD sitting on his lap, all tall and dangly legs and big boobs and small shorts lookin like a complete idiot.

I untagged DH in the pic. Petty I know but some of my friends have added him as a FB friend and they would see that pic and it would be embrassing to me }:)'s picture

Seriously :sick:

SS is a pansy and DW is encouraging him to continue this weird/baby behavior by doing what he's asking. My bio is 10 and I woulda ripped her a new one #1 for yelling for me from another room obnoxiously and #2 if I had much smaller children I was putting to bed and the "big brother/sister" was acting that way OMG I would have freaked out. He is way to damn old. I'm sure you have talked to DW and SS until you are blue in the face and I'm sure SS doesn't give a shit but maybe you could "reach" DW by talking to her about how SS is a role model ( :sick: ) for the younger kids and whether you like it or not you younger ones are going to copy some of his behaviors and it's time that he takes the "big brother role" and act like he is 14 years old not 4. Starting NOW. BOUNDARIES!!!!!!!

For God sakes I'm frustrated for you Drac0

zerostepdrama's picture

Oh yeah. If anything that would annoy me the most.

My BS9 will do this sometime. Lay in bed and call for me, only to ask for something that he could do himself. Oh that pisses me off beyond belief!

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

Jeez My BS13 helps me put BD2 to bed. Sometimes if he's still up and hears her get up, he'll catch her and put her back to bed for me. She has to run past his door to do so and he's always been such a big help with her.

zerostepdrama's picture

So true!

I tend to be a coddler and was for a long time with BS. (he was still young though) and it was a hard habit to break. But then I got to thinking... what I teach this child is what he will know when he is 18 and (hopefully) out the door to be on his own. If I am coddling him and spoiling him and babying him, that is all he is going to know. I dont want to be responsible for sending a Man Child out into this world to breed and co habitat.

zerostepdrama's picture

This was when he was younger like up until he was 6ish? He is 9 now.... We are out of that stage...

Drac0's picture

"Prom" would suggest actually the rate SS is going, BS and BD will graduate from HS before SS does!

Drac0's picture

We can't yell at you stepdown. You're one of our resident heroes for what you have been through... Smile

Okay, when I was sick at that age, Mom would sit on my bed and caress my hair. This happened maybe - - ooh -- maybe twice? That to me is okay. At least I think it is okay because I turned out pretty normal. Normally when I feel ill, I just want to seclude myself in a quiet darkened room and shut the whole world out.

Is SS the same way with his GF? I haven't the foggiest. I don't even know if the two of them are actually dating. I haven't seen or heard from Vicky since Christmas. Every time the subject of Vicky comes up, SS becomes mute or changes subjects.

As far as Macho vs Sensitive...I heard that a recent poll done on women is that their tastes changes over time. Some initially want the Macho man but eventually end up with the sensitive guy. Some start with the sensitive guy and end up with the Macho guy...So I dunno. But I don't think SS is sensitive. Sensitive - to me - suggests someone who is in touch with their feelings and is capable of expressing them. SS is NOT in touch with his feelings because DW is there figuring out those feelings for him.

DaizyDuke's picture

Is he the same with his girlfriend?

Baaahhhahahaha I don't think this kid even has friends much less a girlfriend!

I see what you are saying, but I don't think this kid acts this way because of his "sensitive side" I think he has more of a needy, coddled, attention seeking "side"

DaizyDuke's picture

My bad! I missed that he had a girlfriend!! I have no idea how that was even possible!

Kind of like the odds of your wackadoody (ex)SD ever having a BF!

Drac0's picture

>I have no idea how that was even possible! <


Give me triple integral calculus. Give me electrical schematics written in Chinese! Give me IKEA furniture with missing pieces! I can figure those out.

When I first learned that SS had a girlfriend, I thought my mind was going to go KAPLOOIE!!!

DaizyDuke's picture

Was she real? Did you actually see her? This wasn't like some imaginary (Girl)friend thing??

Drac0's picture

Oh she was real alright.

Smart, polite, super sweet and very cute...

Only way I could land a girl like that when I was SS's age was if I had the looks of Ryan Goslin, was a rich Sultan's son, and could lick my own eyebrows.

Drac0's picture

The situation between your ex and his sister almost reminds me of DW and her sister. My DW was the rebellious tom-boy while growing up while her sister played the "little princess" routine that her parents fell for hook, line and sinker (still do in fact). I spent all of one afternoon alone with DW's sister. I'm no psychologist but DW's sister exhibited most of the top 10 signs of a sociopath. I printed an "Sociopath" article, showed it to DW and she was all "Yes!!! Yes!!! THANKYOUTHANKYOU! AT LAST, somebody understands!" Unfortunately, when it comes to SS, whenever I show her clear-cut evidence of SS's bizarre behavior and how it is linked to DW encouraging him to act like a child, DW shuts down on me and becomes defensive.

DarkStar's picture

Ugh, she is really ticking me off more and more as time passes!

And I agree with Vick, it sounds like your patience runneth VERY thin with this issue! I don't blame you at all, I would have lost it a while ago.

I'm sorry to say that if/when your SS fails to launch I do not see your DW agreeing to your "no adult children at home" rule. And then you'll be faced with a nasty decision. Sad

Maybe if you have more of these LYS moments with DW it will start to sink in? The fact that she didn't go off on how "hard" you are on SS or how you resent him, etc etc etc, but just left with a comment, "okay okay, calm down"
I like your approach, "Either you handle this or I will! I am SICK of this "mommy coddle me" BS!!!" True frustration on your part. Maybe that is finally getting through to her?

thinkthrice's picture

I agree that Drac0 is getting to the tipping point with DW allowing SS to be an absolute panty-waist.

Just recently, YSS (11 1/2) out of the blue gave mommykins a "lover's kiss" for no good reason smack dab on the lips. Now even as a GIRL at 11 1/2, I would NEVER have done such a thing to either my father or my mother!! Of course the BM was bragging about it and posted it on FB!

She is completely enmeshed with all three--I doubt they will ever see the light at the end of the endless PAS tunnel.

DaizyDuke's picture

HA! Panty-waist I haven't heard that one in a long time. I think I shall resurrect that and add it to my repertoire!!! Wink

DaizyDuke's picture

OMG... this is too funny with your YSS story. They did this thing on the radio a few weeks ago, where this guy called in because he had a few dates with this girl, thought they were hitting it off and then suddenly after their last date, she wouldn't return his calls or texts and he was miffed as to what he did. So the radio station called the girl and asked her what was up.

She said she liked the guy a lot UNTIL when they were leaving the restaurant, they ran into his mother, whom he promptly kissed on the lips. She thought that was gross and strange and decided this guy was, well, a panty waist.