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Teen stepchild

boba729's picture

I know this isn't the right website for me, but I wanted to ask you guys about loving your stepchildren. My mom died when I was seven and soon after my dad married a great woman. She now has two children with my dad and I'm now 17. I find myself being jealous of my three year old sisters because I want my step mom to love me like her real children. I know it's unacceptable for me to be jealous of three year olds but it's really hard. Because I love my step mom like my real mom and I want her to love me too. I wanted to ask if you guys think a step mom could ever love her stepchildren like her real children and if so how.

ChiefGrownup's picture

First, I can tell you I love my stepson to pieces.

Second, try to learn not to compare love. No one will ever love you like your mother loved you, not so much because she gave birth to you but because she was a unique person.

Plenty of kids have "real" parents who love them in a very lackadaisacal way and others have stepparents who would go to the ends of the earth for them. Try to just focus on the blessings you do have.

Third, one day your twin sisters are going to be on this or another site asking if their big sister could ever love them like "real" sisters do. What will you say back? In other words, why not focus on the people in your life who do love and appreciate you and need you. Be the best big sister you can be. They likely idolize you. That is one of life's special treats, given only to big sisters.

Also, try to remember that little tiny kids need lots of attention. When you were three, you had the full attention two loving parents and no competition. These kids have to split Mom and Dad's attention 3 ways from the get go.

At 17 you have a lot to look forward to. Cherish this last bit at home with these pre-school sisters. Don't waste any time worrying about who loves who more or less or whatever. You have no way of knowing how much time and effort your parents have put into you so you have no way of counting it. And why would you try?

Please have a great senior year and best of luck to you.

boba729's picture


Easylikesundaymornin's picture

I loved my SD until she totally disrespected me over n over n over again.

I love a person who is genuine and authentic.

DarkStar's picture

My stepdad was like a 2nd dad to me, I loved and respected him and he treated me like his own.

I care very much about what happens to my SO's kids, I'll call them skids even though we're not married. I can see myself loving them in the future if everything continues to go well.

I wouldn't worry so much about "loving me as if I were hers." There are so many kinds of love, and we all have the capability to love so many people, there is love in our hearts for everyone!

Be good, go to college, don't do drugs, wear a condom. Biggrin

Good luck!

Calypso1977's picture

it could very well be that she loves you and would love to officially take on the mom role in your life, but she's being sensitive to the fact that you already had a wonderful mother who you may not want "replaced".

as SM's we are trained to tread carefully. if you jump in with a stepchild it more often than not backfires big time and problems arise.

i would love it if my SD13 wanted my love.

coping's picture

It's a two way street. Yes. My issue with my SD14 is that she is badly influenced by her BM to be rude, mean and just plain awful to us. Makes it really REALLY hard to care for a child who calls you a bitch. Love her and you will get it back.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Totally get the brother thing. Mine can do no wrong, either. There's a shrine in her house to him. Us girls are highly expendable so she only has one favorite amongst us and thank god it's not me.

Anyway, my brother, the Glorious One, is my full brother. It happens.