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Ss14's visit with counselor

step off already's picture

My daughter has an excellent counselor who has also seen my younger brother and sister. This woman is great and to the point. We asked the counselor and my dd13 if they'd be open to is sending ss there. Dd thiught it would be good for ss - my dd appreciates and enjoys this woman immensely and is happy to share a good thing.

Anyway .. Ss had his first appt today. He was kissed off at dh for bringing him. Dh mentioned to ss that there were "probably" some anger issues that ss could work on but to just use the time to talk with someone who is smart and in his side. Counselor happened to ask ss Anouy how he felt about bm's drinking. Ss said it didnt bother him. - funny because ss just confided in dh, letting him know that he "cussed bm out" for being drunk during their visit.

Hoping this is a good thing. This is really an excellent counselor and on hoping as can find a safe place to confide and reflect.