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Here's my Brady Bunch

Midwest Stepmom's picture

My Birth father and Mother had me'

Birth Father left and had 3 more kids with 3 more women

Never met birth father until I was 21

Only met 1 of Birth Fathers 3 other children

Birth Mother married Step dad 1 when I was 1

Birth mother and step dad 1 had 2 kids together

birth mother and step dad 1 divorce - step dad 1 got visitation with me

birth mom married step dad 2 - no kids

step dad 1 marries fake step mom

fake step mom has three kids with 3 other men

fake step mom and ex step dad 1 are now getting a divorce

so now my fake step sisters are not my fake step sisters

Can anyone beat this crazy blended story???? Oh, then I marry DH who has a kid with a Crazy ex wife, maybe its in my blood.

Pilgrim Soul's picture

LOVE IT! You could rap it and preform at Stepmothers Anonymous Convention!
What a colorful biography! It must make you very forgiving and understanding, MSM!

Also goes to show how relationships matter more than blood.

Midwest Stepmom's picture

I wish that was the end of wild and crazy journey.

Half sister from birth father dropped out of high school - had 2 kids with 2 dads

Fake step sister 1 was a lesbian turned back to straight - she is on disability for being too skinny, she wears fairy wings, capes and colors her hair purple (she is 32).

Fake step sister 2 married a child molester. Got a divorce and married another guy she is having issues with already.

Fake step sister 3 has 3 kids with two dads, her current husband use to be married to my cousin and they have a kid together. And he has 2 other kids with other women.

Half brother from birth mom never graduated HS and plans on "knocking" his GF up.

Birth mom is bipolar - everything is always about her and how she is a victim

Step dad 2 is an alcoholic and beat up my mothers stove one night - classy

Step dad 1 never graduated high school - made a statement when I was young; "I only look for seasonal jobs, so I can get unemployment during the winter".

Fake step mom thinks rocks and crystals can heal her - also convicted of welfare fraud.

Seriously people, I can't make this stuff up. Somedays I think I should write a book about all of this. Fotunetly, i went off to college, graduated, got a good paying job and met dh who also did the same (just came with a crazy ex). We hang out with family on the holidays Smile

Silent River's picture

Oh you poor thing. Hugs to you.

Family reunions and special events must be very interesting.