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Hes home... :-)

cantmissamy's picture

He made it home today and can you believe that fmil tried to start shit with him on the way home? OMG wtf... My family called and was happy that I was happy, but for some reason we all feel that she is unhappy now that she no longer has control of not only him but me as well.. Wish me luck all am going to need it if I am seriously going to be apart of this family..


cantmissamy's picture

Ok thngs before I came in the picture were about the same with the ex-wife, but she gave her a reason by cheating on her son to be that way. She has no reason to be this way towards me as I have did nothing wrong so far. Yes fmil was taking care of the grandson while he was deployed. I have tried to ask this woman for advice, but everytime I have it is normally something negative about the way I am doing everything wrong. I do not work as I am disabled with a geneitic blood disorder.. She felt like i am sponging off him as my son and I were living here in his house while he was deployed to kuwait. Thank God he's home now, as she has somewhat backed off but I do wonder for how long.. I do hope this information helps a little more.. Thanks for your comment..