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every baby is a blessing...except mine.

bi's picture

no, I am not ever going to let it go. I don't say anything about it to anyone other than on here, so I think that's good enough.

sd21's 19 year old brother got his 18 year old gf of 3 months pregnant. apparently this is fantastic news and sd is openly thrilled to be becoming an aunt. I'm just sitting here in awe. I am so glad that my 19 year old daughter is looking into colleges and not OB's. seems like with sd's obsession with pregnancy and babies, she would be looking into becoming an OB or maternity nurse. she is seriously OBSESSED with it. it's weird.

and yeah, it burns me up that she thinks everyone's pregnancy is a big celebration after how she treated me. I don't want her treating anyone else like that, I just don't understand why she couldn't at least just say nothing instead of acting like it was ruining her life and showing obvious joy when I lost my baby.


bi's picture

I became pregnant when bs5 was 14 months old. she threw a massive fit, said I was ruining her future and now she was going to have to pay for college herself and buy her own car. apparently she thought I was going to do those things for her. :? she blasted me on fb saying I needed to be on birth control instead of worrying about whether or not she was on birth control. I fought right back and told her I don't give 2 shits if she's on bc or not and that at 31 years old, I do not need a 16 year old telling me how to run my life.

2 weeks later, I miscarried. I'm crying and she ignores me but keeps asking fdh why I was crying. right in front of me. but couldn't ask me. he told her I was miscarrying and she immediately started playing grabass with her bf, laughing and giggling, acting a fool. didn't even have the decency to just STFU and let me cry on the way to the hospital without having to hear her mouth.

never once after this did she apologize for her behavior, ask me how I was doing, nothing. I had another miscarriage the following year, and lost a baby the next year at 17 weeks, but she didn't know about those because we never even told anyone I was pregnant. (she knows now, but only within the past year did she find out). then she gets pregnant 6 months after I deliver my daughter that died and she expects me to be over the moon for her. I told her I was not going to be involved and reminded her of what she did to me when I lost mine. she said "ouch". this was via text. how dare she act like I am hurting her? ouch, bitch? how the fuck do you think I felt while you pretty much celebrated my baby's death? I had nothing to do with her at all. we stopped talking. I didn't see her kid other than her parading him around the store I worked at until I had bs8mos. at that point, we started to heal things, but this is not something I will ever get over.

she got pretty shitty with me when she realized I meant it about not being involved in her pregnancy. she sent me shitty text msgs and then tried to guilt trip me thru a msg on fb telling me about how I'm still mad over things were said years ago (3 years is not that long) and she thought I would be "over it" by now and want to help her. then she tried to tell me she needed help "with this whole breastfeeding thing" and I was "the only person I can think of". tough shit. I told her I don't owe her anything, that she wanted this and it's not my responsibility to do anything at all. I think I still have that conversation copied and pasted in my blogs here. I delete them periodically but that is one I think I kept.

she loves her brothers and no longer treats me like that, but never ever has she owned up to what she did or apologized to me for it. she is fucking obsessed with pregnancy and babies. her kid is 16 months old and she is constantly mourning that he is no longer a newborn, crying about how much she misses being pregnant, she misses breastfeeding (she only did it for 2 months), bla bla bla. she is over the moon when someone she knows gets pregnant. watches movies about people having babies. I'm shocked she isn't pregnant. she has a fb for mom's with questions to talk to each other, she constantly reposts pregnancy and newborn pics of her and her kid, her kid has his own fb page and she will post on her wall thru his page as him, telling herself how beautiful she is, how lucky he is to have her for a mom, and how much he loves her. weird weird fucking weird. :O

farting_glitter's picture

Bi, you know how I feel about HER.....I don't hate often, but when I do, it's her..... }:)

bi's picture

I had bd19 5 weeks shy of 17. I was a teen mother. I have no room to judge anyone, but what i can say is that i stayed in school, i worked and did not rely on welfare (dead set against it after being raised on it by a white trash mother myself) and i did the absolute best i could. i taught my daughter to do better. i made sure she knew i did not regret her and i love her deeply. i told her i wish i had waited to have her until i was older because i could have provided better for her and would have been more mature and a more patient mother. i wasn't a bad mom, but i was too young to have the patience i do now. i made mistakes. i told her that i want her to have a great life. i taught her that education is very important and she has a long time to have babies. she is 19, an honor student, never been pregnant (she's not sure she even wants kids) and is going to college in September. i am proud to say i taught her to do BETTER than me, not follow in my footsteps.

so go bm! you had your kids back to back with 2 different fathers at 19 and 20 or 21. now you are a gramma. by both kids. apparently not everyone chooses to teach their kids to do better.

QueenBeau's picture

She is an evil woman. I wouldn't want her saying good things about my pregnancy. It may mean I had some type of Damien spawn of satan growing in me or something.