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Boyfriends son custody battles causing STRESS TO ALL

Caroline2121's picture

My boyfriend and I have been dating for two years. When we met, he was temporarily staying with his mother because his father had passed away. We started dating and everything was wonderful. He'd see his son for a few hours on the weekend, and sometimes he'd even sleep over at my boyfriends mothers. He was 13 when we met. He's very quiet, shy, but polite. Fast forward to present. His BM lived in a town about a half an hour away, but her place wasn't in the school district that all of the kids friends were going to be attending in highschool. So my boyfriend, bless his heart, bought a house in that school district so he could live with us and go to the school he wanted. Well we did this all very last minute which caused a lot of stress on him. Then after we move in the mother serves him with papers wanting full custody and making up lies saying he never gives her child support. This was a total lie and it didn't even get to court because the mediator told her she wouldn't win since the son wanted to live with his dad. The mother is always traveling for work. She is in sales. So we never know when his son will be here, when he will need a ride from his mothers, or when she wants him back home. All of these things are causing a great deal of stress to my boyfriend and now we aren't even having sex anymore. We're always fighting because he is always in a bad mood. What kills me is that I feel like this kid is just using his dad to go to the "cool" school and could care less about living here! In fact, I think he's more comfortable at his mothers. He comes here on a lot of weekends and half of the school week. He asks to have friends over, then they just hang out in my living room. None of them will really communicate with my boyfriend or I.. We have an open kitchen / living room set up so I feel like a guest in my own house whenever he is home! I go down to make food and they all scramble into the living room (after eating almost all of our food!!) and they'll sit silently until I leave. I can't stand it!!! We spend so much money just on food for the kid and his friends. Recently I tried to go on a health kick for all of us but the kid doesn't want to eat any of the food so his dad goes out and picks him up whatever he wants or takes him out to dinner. I'm never invited. He is trying so hard to win him over and I think it's just a waste of time!! We were all three going to go in on a gym membership package together but at last minute my boyfriend told me he didn't want me to go in on it and he wanted it just to be a him and his son thing for bonding. He buys it for the two of them and guess who doesn't want to go!! Ever! The son. He's just so ungrateful. We pick him up and he usually goes straight to his room and doesn't talk to any of us unless it's to give him food or to ask for friends over. I feel like what's the point with him!! His mother is trying so hard to get him for half of the time or more.. And my boyfriend wants him 5 nights of the week for school. I wish he would just go back to only coming on the weekends because I can't stand it anymore! I've gotten to the point where I completely resent him. I think it would be best for everyone if he was with his mother.

Rags's picture

Sadly I have to agree with the majority who have said this is just normal teen behavior. Sullen, non-participatory, angsty, moody bullshit is often par for the course for many teens.

However, rather than tolerate it I confronted it head on. I had zero tolerance for this crap with my SKid just as my parents had zero tolerance for it with my younger brother and I. I had no problem dragging the Skid out of his sullen bullshit by the proverbial short and curlies. I could make him far more miserable than he could make himself so he had a choice. Participate with a decent demeanor or suffer the truly unpleasant consequences I chose to bring.

He learned that he could either be miserable or have a decent time. His choice. Kids have few memories of their angsty bullshit of they have an active and energetic family life. They remember enjoyable times spent doing things with friends and family.

I forced those memories rather than giving my Skid the life long excuse of having sullen depressing memories of his teen years.