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New to this site: HELP! 10 yr old SS talks like a baby!!! UGH!!!

DNSD's picture

Hi! I'm so glad I found this forum. I moved in with my GF 5 months ago, but we've been together well over a year. Her 10 year old son constantly talks like a baby, and when she tells him to stop...he LAUGHS at her. I hate it, and really can't stand the kid when he acts like that. She has done very little in terms of simple discipline throughout his life, his BF is only in the picture a day or two per month TOPS. He is disrespectful to her (if she asks for a throwblanket while sitting on the couch, he says NO). Seriously??? What kind of kid does that to his Mother?
Now, my 2 BD15/13 are very well behaved and adjusted, although not perfect by any means. I would love to help my SS figure this out and become a more respectful, well adjusted young man...but how do I do this without, in effect, telling my GF that she is doing a poor job of parenting?? If this doesn't get better, this relationship will end.
Guys, I need some advice....How do I handle this baby talk issue with the boy??

Patsy's picture

I agree when he talks like that ignore it or say to him I'm sorry I can't understand a word you are saying. Can you repeat that. Have him repeat things so much that he would rather talk normal. That is a bad habit to get into and if you let it go on he is going to have a serious speach impetiment! I get one of those myself after talking to toddlers! LOL

emotionaly beat up's picture

Absolutely. Telling him you cannot understand him when he talks like a baby and not responding to him until he speaks properly is the way to go. If your girlfriend complains tell her, she may think it's cute, but he's making a fool of himself and her when he does this in front of others. Just be honest. Don't get mad, just don't respond.

jumanji's picture

"I'm sorry -I can't understand babytalk. Come back when you can talk to me like a 10yo. Thanks!" and the walk away.

Rags's picture

Not hearing baby talks solves the problem. My SS (When he was 2-6ish) would leave for Sperm Land visitation having perfectly clear conversations and return pointing, grunting, crying and if were were lucky talking like a baby.

We told him to use his words then we ignored him until he did. It never took too long for him to pull his head out of his butt, put Sperm Land behind him and start communicating again as he did in our home.

No tolerance for the baby talk and there is no baby talk.