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BM can't handle being a full time mom. She said so herself.

sammmx's picture

So as some as you may know, BM has a drug problem and lost custody of the kids during the summer. Once she went to detox and passed 6 weeks of drug testing she was granted custody back. Once the kids were back with her, she refused to let us seem them for probably a month or two, claiming that we were no good for them and we did all kinds of terrible things.

Well after a month or two she started letting us have them every weekend again. And soon after that it became evident she can't handle being a mother at all. These days she's calling/texting BF every day complaining that the kids don't listen to her, she can't do it alone, she can't afford them, they're threatening her sobriety, she can't handle it, she has no one etc. UGH. Cry me a river. You're the one who left BF to be a single mom and are apparently so high and mighty for it. Now it's like she expects him to be like "Okay, let's do this together and be a family" or something. It really pisses me off. KIDS ARE STRESS. If you couldn't handle one, why did you have another one?

It drives me insane that just anyone can have a baby, meanwhile people who DESPERATELY want to be a mother and have a child, can't. Ugh.


smdh's picture

This is my biggest struggle in life. I LOVE being a mom. My dh and I adopted after losing a baby and several failed IVF attempts. We also had a miscarriage. Then I see all these inept idiots popping out kids that they don't want and can't raise.