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Such a long weekend!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Started with DH forcing SD15 to got with me to the ladies' brunch with me at church. I don't know why! I was looking forward to some time away from SD15...and sorry, 15 does not count as an adult...SD15 makes it clear all the time she doesn't even want to be at church! The while time during the service...texting, getting up and down disappearing to the bathroom, etc! Even on the way there...looking in the mirror primping the entire trip, asking me to change my worship music to some better music...ugh!

After service, we met DH at the outlet mall to waste time, as there was another service in the evening for everyone. It was one of those guest speaker weekends. I made it completely clear we were just wasting time...not spending money! SD15 was asking for this and that and having a fit when we said no. Apparently, earlier in the week, SD15 had it out with BM, and she told BM she never wanted to see her again! Well, also, BM apparently told SD15 last weekend that she was giving her $100 for her SD15 kept going on and on at the mall about how her mom was being a brat and how was she going to get her $100 from her the point that even DH finally got tired of it and told her to drop it...that she should probably just forget about the money! All through evening service...same as morning service!

So far, SD15 has had a really bad attitude all day! DH asked what was wrong this morning, and she just said with a tone, "NOTHING! I'm just tired!" We get in the car, and DH tells her (talking to her like she is 2), "I'm sorry you're tired, baby." Really? WTH?!?!? Same thing all through service this morning...and still having a bad attitude!

Last night was golden! We were almost home (remember, we live out in the country), when SD15 announces that she needs shampoo. I tell her I'm not turning around to go to the store...that she knows I only go once a week, and my trip for the week has been done! She got mad at me! I got home, handed her about a week's worth of shampoo samples, and told her I would put her shampoo on my list for my store trip next Saturday and walked off. I refuse to make a special trip to the store because she always waits until she it totally out of something to tell me...she needs to figure out what everyone else in the house has...tell me when you are running low...think ahead! I don't do "emergency" store runs, and I'm not starting for her!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I wish we could leave her at home, but then there is that she can't be trusted. It's a catch-22 situation on Sundays. Seriously...I don't know why DH insisted on SD15 going with me yesterday morning! She didn't need to go! I do find it funny that the message all weekend was a lot about not being self centered! Of course...since SD15 wasn't paying any attention!

I get that some of it is normal 15...however, that should not excuse the behavior! I really wanted to smack DH when he pulled the whole " sorry you're tired" bit this morning! His response should have been, "You know what? I get you may be tired, but that doesn't give you the right to treat everyone like crap!" That is at least the words going through my mind! And the constant primping? It is one thing to want to look nice, but she takes it to the point of sickening vanity! I'm upset with DH for letting her get away with it all...he says the same thing..."She IS 15." That doesn't mean you ignore the behavior! I know I smarted off to my mom at 15, but I can guarantee you she didn't just brush it off! If I had an attitude like SD15's today, I would have been grounded from everything for certain...a quick lesson from mom that she was still running the show!

Oh, and I forgot to mention the only other thing she talked about yesterday...her going for captain of guard. She was going on and on about all the short comings, and how she has everything to make a great captain and she has it in the bag! I literally wanted to vomit right there! She did say one of the girls trying out is unknown...that she is pretty good at twirling, but no one knows if she can do choreography, and she has been kinda quite! I'm secretly hoping that this girl knocks SD15 totally out of contention! Is that wrong? I don't believe SD15 should be captain! She is too full of herself, and she treats people like crap!

I'm not looking forward to things as long as SD15 and BM are fighting! It means she will be here every weekend! From what I've gathered, SD15 got mad that BM didn't fully approve of the boyfriend. DH tried to tell SD15 that she still had to respect her mother, but just got a whole bunch of "whatevers" from SD15. The girl has made it clear yesterday all she is concerned about HER money.

Orange County Ca's picture

I would have left her in the car. Both at church and the mall telling her she needed to catch up on her texting anyway. At church "You can wait here if you like". At mall "Don't you have texting to catch up on" while getting out of the car.