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She just did this!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

HHB calls DH all in tears! BM told poor princess she has to quit color guard so she can concentrate on completing her community service! HHB calls DH telling him that he needs to talk to BM and make her change her mind! DH tells her that it isn't his problem...that HHB is the one who decided to move out of our house...that she decided to do the stuff that got her into this trouble in the first place! He tells her she wants to act like an adult making all these decisions for herself, she needs to take her lumps like an adult! HHB goes on that BM is being unreasonable. DH tells her, "Well, try talking to her...and try doing it without the attitude! If you talk to her the way you were in court yesterday...yeah, you won't get her to change her mind!" (Those who may not have seen in other thread, yesterday in court, HHB was telling her mom to she up and saying that someone needed to get her some duct tape!)

When DH got off the phone, I made it a point to say that HHB will NOT be allowed to move back in to our house! She made this bed, she can lie in it! Color guard may mean a lot to her, but I'm not about to live in hell just so she can get her way...hell no!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I paid for my bios' stuff. BD24 played flute in the band, and used my that was no cost. BS20's football didn't cost a whole lot, either. One pair of cleats each season, and the dentist wouldn't charge us to make him custom mouthpieces. School provided the rest of the uniform, as well as meals on game days (and when I say "school" most of it probably came from the boosters). Coach would also work a deal with the local sporting goods store to give us cleats at cost...saved the parents money, and coach could make sure everyone had the same type of shoes (he was old school...didn't believe in were a team, you look like a team).

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

The winter guard uniform is already bought. I don't think it cost a lot. From what I've seen in pictures, some simple black leggings an a simple sleeveless top. No sparkles or anything like that. I can say that the uniform does HHB no favors! they have already had one competition, and they are supposed to have another tomorrow. Will be interesting to see if HHB changes BM's mind for competition tomorrow! I'll know if DH suddenly tries to get me to go, as tomorrow's is really close to home. Yup...think I'm still gonna be sick tomorrow!

Yup...consequences! DH better even not think about bailing this girl out! Seriously, she will not move back here...ever! Of course, I'm thinking that may never be an option because the color guard here will never accept her again. Only chance HHB has to be on color guard after this is maybe next school year after they move to the new house and new school. I agree completely with BM on this one...which is rare for me to agree with her. HHB need to concentrate on her grades and doing her community service. Extra-curricular a are a privilege! Can't stay out of trouble, you lose privileges!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

This is typical HHB M.O. Parent A says no, she calls parent B and tells them they have to make parent A see things her way! She did it to DH all the time when she lived here. DH would tell her no to something, she would call BM and next thing DH knows is BM calling him cussing at him. I'm proud of DH for not playing the game!

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

HHB is an ignoramoose. She is going to learn that BM and DH aren't just going to ping-pong her back and forth between homes to please her!

Bwahahahhah!!!! }:) }:) }:) }:)

~ Moon

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh, I'm makes by sure she doesn't ping-pong back and forth! She used up her chances here! I just have to keep drilling that into DH! Maybe her girlfriend's family will take her in. She seems to have them convinced that she is this sweet, innocent, misunderstood girl who made a little mistake with the car.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Sounds like HHB worked her magic with BM all on her own, as DH is going to the guard competition later. Told him I'm not going, and he let it go. He may finally be getting it.

It amazes me how well HHB manipulates people! Can't work forever! She will be disappointed one day!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Since DH went to the competition, HHB wasted no time texting him asking how she did and if he took any video/pictures. When he told her he took a video on his cell phone, HHB started pestering the hell out of him until he posted it somewhere where she could watch it! This is typical HHB! She knows that DH takes pictures and video...I mean, most parents do, right. But unlike most kids, HHB will be on DH like flies on poop until she makes those pictures and videos available to her to see! No, HHB will not call or text DH for anything else, but she wants to see herself, so she will pester the hell out of him. Once he posted the video and told her the link...not even a "thank you", and he hasn't heard a peep since! But her social media is all a flutter with "look at me....look at me". Narcissistic much?

I had to laugh this weekend when I went to Sally's Beauty Supply to get my hair color. I always check out the clearance table when I go in there to see what kind of marked down nail polish or hair product they have. I see this:

The first thought that came to my head was, "If HHB had an iPhone 5 (which, oh hell no...I won't allow), this would be the perfect CHEAP birthday present for DH to get her!"

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh, I'm certain a bunch of little girls have bought this brush...or even worse...parents for their self-absorbed teens! Saw this funny on Facebook:

N = s/h

Scientists have announced a new unit to accurately measure narcissism...the selfie per hour!

That would definitely be HHB! The only things on her social media feed that don't include selfies is stuff OTHER people post to her feeds, and even those are usually pictures of HHB where she is tagged, and HHB has to go "like" every last one. She can't post about anything without including a selfie! While I would simply post that I like rainy days (on a day it is raining after many days of no rain), the same post made by HHB would include one of about a billion bathroom mirror selfies...oh, and a string of useless hashtags that are longer than the initial post itself to make sure as many people in the world see it as possible!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

They all think that big lips are sexy! Just like the latest craze of over-lining lips. I think the whole thing is stupid! Duck faces, over-lining lips...and why is it so many people think the over-exaggerated eye wings look good? I mean, cat-eye when done right looks good, but for so many of these girls, you want to ask, "Were you drunk when you put your makeup on this morning?"

Saw on social media this morning that HHB is bleaching her hair again...says she is going blonde. Glad she doesn't live in our house anymore, or this would be another fine mess I would be asked to fix by DH after she totally screwed it up (and seriously...the condition of her hair before she left...let's just say if she went to a hair dresser to get it bleached, no hair dresser would touch it)! Last time she tried to bleach her hair to turn it Ariel red? First, she didn't get all the hair bleached, so in the back of her head, there were spots that still had 1/2 inch of brunette and other spots that had up to 2 inches of brunette. Then, when she applied the red, she managed to not cover all of the bleached hair, so the back of her head turned into a total rainbow with patches of orange, bleached crap mixed in. I swear, she must never look at the back of her head....ever!!! She thought she looked good, but whenever she walked away in front of me, it took all I could to not laugh my arse off! All I could think to myself was "Rainbow Not-So-Bright"! Can I hope she fries all of her hair off? Is that wrong? I mean, she did nearly fry it off the last time she bleached it! **FACEPALM**

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I would laugh so hard that I would very literally be rolling on the floor if HHB has to cut off her hair! It was just the end of July that she bleached her hair last, and she hasn't had a haircut since. She doesn't have a lot of hair to start's long past the shoulders, but thin as anything. The hair she does you like straw. It doesn't hold color for crap! I had to dye it all black when school started to get it within school rules. It faded out badly within about a month (because of the bleach job before), and when I did my hair again, I handed DH my left over black and some gloves and told him he needed to do her hair again (I have mine two-tone...the look on his face that day was priceless). That time it finally faded out to something close to her natural color, and DH told her she had to leave her hair alone! It still looked bad because of the damage she did to it, but at least it was all one color again. I told DH that HHB needed a serious hair cut...he agreed, but there was no way he could convince HHB to cut it off. And by serious, I mean the girl would have to cut it as short as Miley Cyrus to get rid of all the damaged hair, but it looks like crap short because she has so little hair. DH did joke with her one time that if she didn't leave her hair alone, he was going to have no choice but to get her the Sinnad O'Connor treatment, because her hair is so bad she needs to start over. She wasn't too happy and didn't think it funny.

She still hasn't posted a picture of the blonde, as she "promised her followers"...LOL. Maybe she did fry her hair off!

Rags's picture

Let her live the consequences of her decision to move back in with BM. Not your or DH's problem any longer.

Meh ... and move on. Ignore, ignore, ignore - lather, rinse, repeat.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

"Meh ... and move on. Ignore, ignore, ignore - lather, rinse, repeat."

LOL...exactly. I do have to say, I'm disappointed that HHB has been social media silent this week. I've been curious to see how the hair disaster turned out...because we all know, it had to have been a disaster! This is especially true as there is social media silence! If HHB thought it came out good, she would have posted a dozen pictures by now.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Well, social media silence has been broken, and in the picture she posted she still has dark hair! There are streaks of blue in maybe she chickened out? Or, it looked so bad that she had to dye it dark again. Of course, in the picture I can't see the back, so "rainbow not-so-bright" could be back.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

No...peacock princess sounds too regal. I like Rainbow Not-So-Bright! That is more fitting to her...LOL.