
RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

Im going to try to make a very long and complicated story (arent they all?) short. DH and I talked to BM about me becoming ss's legal guardian; bm agreed. called lawyer who told us that in our state there isnt a legal guardianship that would not affect bm's rights; lawyer wants us to pursue adoption on basis of neglect/emotional abuse. Well, this makes me very nervous and it was not what we intended to sign up for so to speak. So, here's what has been going on in a nut shell:

SS is about to turn 7, DH has had sole physical/shared legal since 2009; BM wanted "reasonable visitation" so thats what she got; BM has been absent for 3 months as of today and has done this multiple times in the past; DH never sued BM for CS, and she has not paid a dime; we took ss to child psych. three years ago b/c he had emotional issues caused by bm which psych documented; bm has moved 9 times sinces '09 and lived with 3 different men; bm drinks like a fish and we can prove it.

Does anyone have any experience adopting a stepchild whose parent is not completely out of the picture (not all of the time, anyway)?

Bubbly1's picture

Idk what state you're in but in my state they won't consider adoption until parental rights have been terminated and you two have been married for at least a year. Was just told this today, as fdh and I are going thru the same with bd and my bio's.

Call a good family attorney. They are very helpful. Its costly tho.

Kilgore SMom's picture

Girl your story is just like mine. I have ss 7 Bm has not seen him since thanksgiving. Bm also has not paid child support. BM has been in rehab and prison and has a warrant for her arrest so when they get her she'll be headed to prison again. We see a lawyer on Feb.13 th. I will let you know how it goes. I've posted about supervised visitation vs. takeing BM Rights away and haven't got many replys so I guess not many have been through this kind of stuff. I honestly don't know what is best.

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

im in the same boat with the whole supervised visitation thing. i feel like we have more of a shot at that, and regardless of the actuality of it all, it just feels fucked up to take away someones parental rights, you know? i mean, if she disapeared permanently, i think i would feel differently. on the other hand she has seriously messed up ss (and us). its really confusing :O

Annoyed1's picture

Be careful that's what you want to do... If you and your DH ever break up, he can charge you cs for a kid that's not even yours.