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What a little BRAT!

OptimisticMe's picture

We just got back from a family vacation and SD11 was a smart-assed brat the entire trip. I was actually glad she was because in close living quarters hubs saw it all and was very good at correcting her. It was nice he saw what I see on a daily basis that she hides from him. But DAMMNNN! SD never thanked us for the trip. She thought every second of the day we should do what she wanted to. When we did something for us or the younger 2, SD11 complained of a stomach ache or head ache. We went to a couple's home that we are friends with...their 6 yr old girl asked how to watch our 14 month old and her mom said SD would take care of him. Yeah right. I asked SD if she could keep an eye on him in the playroom and she refused. When I was 11 I had a baby sister that I watched for my mom ALL the time...because I WANTED to! SD11 has no interest in her siblings...oh except for her half-sibling that lives with her mom. I never expect her to watch my kids but is it really unreasonable for her to be asked to watch them for 30 minutes every now and then? She wants to be a babysitter but I told her if I can't trust her to watch her siblings I certainly won't allow her to watch other people's kids.

Oh and on the way home, the 14 month old kept kicking SD's DVD player. She said stop loudly and then the baby starting sobbing. What did she do to him???

I am tired of living with a brat 24/7 that expects expensive vacations but can't even watch her siblings for 30 minutes for her dad and I to enjoy some time ourselves. She is nothing like I was at her age. I helped my mom and was thankful and was a big part of the family. All SD cares about is herself. Just needed to vent!

OptimisticMe's picture

I can understand how what I wrote may cause you to think that, but it is totally not the case. Why would I let a child watch someone else's kids if I could not trust her to watch her siblings? I don't usually allow her to be in a room alone with my kids because she hurts them. However, on vacation I didn't think she would hurt them in someone else's home. We took her to do whatever she wanted, when my husband and I wanted to talk with friends, I don't understand why we couldn't ask her to keep an eye on the younger two. Was I really just an abnormally nice, responsible kid? After spending over $2,000 on a nice vacation, she shouldn't be asked to spend 30 minutes of that vacation just making sure my kids don't break something or put something in their mouth? Should kids not be asked to help their parents?

My husband did tell our son to stop kicking her (my) DVD player, I told her to move it over so he couldn't reach it and she acted like that was rocket science. When he did it again, she did something to him (again, not letting her watch kids when she hurts mine).

I don't know how you can take what I posted and make such huge assumptions about only caring about myself and my kids. She is rarely asked to lift a finger. And obviously when she is, she refuses even while on a vacation I paid for and she didn't even thank me for.

beyond pissed-off's picture

I see no problem with you asking her to watch the younger child for 30 minutes with you in such close range. That is not "slave labour" - that is pitching in as part of the family and showing appreciation at being provided with a nice vacation.

LostInTheMess's picture

Optimisticme - I don't see ANY problem with expecting skids to help watch/take care of their siblings (bio or otherwise). I also believe you are very wise to not allow her to babysit for others when she is physical with her own family. You are in no way out of line here.

There were lots of posts about an 11 year old being too young. Each child grows and matures at a different rate. We have one 12 year old who can take care of the 1 year old while we run to the grocery store - he knows his brothers like and dislikes, he is very aware of all safety issue and what to do in an emergency. He can make a bottle and change a poopy diaper (very skillfully, I might add). We have an 11 year old who cannot watch the baby while we use the bathroom.

Sounds like your SD is capable if she so chooses. You have every right to expect her to listen for the other children for 30 minutes while you enjoy some adult conversation. After all, you are present if needed. She sounds like a spoiled entitled little brat. Why should she get paid to take care of someone else's kids when she cannot even volunteer to help her own family?

And yes, I said VOLUNTEER! She gets "PAID" everytime to you buy her a toy, feed her, etc etc etc.


OptimisticMe's picture

Would you like my SD to watch your kids? She only hurts them for no reason about 50% of the time. You think I should promote that?

Oi Vey's picture

I would NEVER put an 11 year old in charge of other children. Ever.

Are you saying that SD isn't "allowed" to babysit unless she watches your kids for free???? That doesn't make any sense.

If SD actually wants to be a babysitter, she needs to get older, take some classes, get first aid and CPR certified, etc.

OptimisticMe's picture

I don't think 11 is old enough to babysit. I just want to know if she did NOT harm children, if it would be unreasonable for her to be asked to watch them while I am in the other room doing something like cooking supper. Is it wrong that she should ever be asked to keep an eye on them while I am home in the other room? The issue here was that hubs and I wanted to talk to friends and she refused to keep an eye on the kids in an adjoining room. I was ticked because she got to do whatever she wanted on vacation and couldn't even periodically check on the kids. That doesn't mean I was going to turn a blind eye towards them, I just wanted someone else to help keep an eye on them so I could enjoy myself as well. I did that all the time when I was 11 with a baby sister.

I am saying SD won't be allowed to watch someone else's kids if she still hurts mine. Would you prefer I let her watch someone else's kids when I know she gets kicks out of pushing toddlers down and stealing their paci's so they cry? She is purposely mean to kids and I don't think kids are safe being left alone with her without supervision. Until she seems safe, I don't feel comfortable putting someone else's kids in her care without supervision.

Oi Vey's picture

I'm sorry, but I still feel the same way. If YOU wanted to visit with YOUR friends, that's fine. However, your kids are yours and DHs responsibility. Not an 11 year old's.
If you wanted to enjoy yourself and have someone else keep an eye on the kids, that other eye should have come from DH.

OptimisticMe's picture

So would it bother anyone else if you paid a lot of money for a vacation and SD couldn't even let you have a few minutes free to talk with friends? Let's say she didn't physically harm my kids, would it be unreasonable that she be expected to the kids play while I cook supper?

Or are kids these days really not expected to ever do anything to help their parents or ever asked to do anything that they don't really want to do?

Oi Vey's picture

Kids are expected to do things. All of mine have chores.

I am expected to watch MY OWN children. I had them, they are my responsibility.
Think about the SM posters who are upset (or refuse to) watch skids because DH just volunteered them. Well, the skids belong to DH and BM, right? And SM feels taken advantage of just being expected to step in and care for them. "Not my kid, not my problem," right? Well, if grown, adult women feel that way, how do you think it's ok for an ELEVEN year old to take on the responsibility?

Now, if SD was being rude on the trip, she should have been corrected. I believe these are two separate issues.

aggravated1's picture

Then using that logic, a SM should do absolutely NOTHING for her stepkids. Nothing. No rides anywhere, no clothes.....not my kid, not my problem, right? So next time certain posters decide they want to tell stepmoms how much they suck for not kissing their Skads asses, I will refer back to your post above. Awesome.

Oi Vey's picture

Grown women on here bitch about watching skids. Fact.
Seems silly to expect an 11 yr old child to do it.

I, personally, don't adhere to the "not my kid, not my problem" philosophy. Many posters push that philosophy, along with something called "disengagement." Again, that's not my style. My DH and I have a more "cohesive" family approach to, step, and "other." Smile
It works for us. Probably doesn't work for everyone.

aggravated1's picture

So what? Grown women and 11 year old girls are two totally different things. Apples to Oranges. NO, YOU SAID not my kid, not my problem. That only applies to OP, not you? So you can GIVE the advice, you just don't take it??? Wow.

OptimisticMe's picture

Thank you! I was starting to feel like everyone thinks I treat SD like Cinderella when she is treated more like a princess while I do all the household chores with little to no help. I do for her ALL the time so I don't understand why it is so wrong to ask her to take 10 minutes to help me every now and then. 10 minutes! I don't get what is wrong with that! 10 minutes of anything shouldn't be too much with how much I do for her.

Disneyfan's picture

Many SMs are don't want to do these things. They should be free to say no without guilt. It should be up to BD & BM to figure out how to get those things done.

OptimisticMe's picture

I guess I am just cut from a different cloth. I never expect SD to watch my kids. But when I am cooking supper and need to stir a hot pot on the stove, I occasionally ask her to hold the little one for a minute for me to do so. Is that really out of line? I don't mean "SD watch the kids for me to go swim" or "watch the kids for me to read a book". I saw "hold him for a minute so I can finish cooking the food you are about to eat". I really see nothing wrong with that. I have watched SD as my own since she was 4. I watched my baby sisters all the time even for my parents to do fun things.

aggravated1's picture

No, it's not out of line, it is perfectly acceptable. If your SD is supposed to be part of your family, that includes being treated as part of the family. I don't know what kind of kids these other posters have; 11 is not too young to keep an eye on a toddler while you cook dinner.

Perhaps their children could not be trusted-I don't know-but unless your SD is the devil incarnate she should be able to keep an eye on her siblings. If you didn't ask her, then you would be hearing that you don't want your SD around your can't win.
Do what you think is best-if you think SD can't be trusted to watch younger kids then don't let her-if you think its ok, then ask her to do it.

Eagle Eye's picture

I think the kids these days are expected to NOT help out anywhere with anything!! You might hurt their feelings and make them feel like a maid!! We are here to serve the kids in every way necessary! Blum 3

That is the problem, we no longer have expectations for children these days.

My BD14 would have offered to watch the baby when she was 8, 9 and 10!

aggravated1's picture

What do you think the SD is doing, lighting the kids on fire? Geez. You keep going on and on and on about that. I think the OP is smart enough to not put her kid in a dangerous situation, or she seems pretty rational and level headed from her posts. She said SD hurt her kid-she could have pinched poked, who knows. You act like the SD is chasing the kids with a machete.

beyond pissed-off's picture

"chasing the kids with a machete" LOL!!!! Would probably be hard for an 11 year-old - not quite enough upper body strength. However, it DOES give me ideas for MYSELF the next time the skids get out of line...

(And before anyone gets their panties in a twist - this was very obviously a JOKE!!!!!)

purpledaisies's picture

Wait a sec here my dd is the oldest and YES she was EXPECTED to help us out and watch her little brothers which included my ss's. She did it for us a lot and never complained it is part of being a family! Of course the difference is that I ask her and always have and that my dh asks me first before he just says here. That is part of being a family too. If you do it that way most people are willing to help their family members out. If they don't they feel taken advantage of which is why we have a lot of sm complaining b/c their dh's just expect and assume without asking first. There is a BIG difference in keeping an eye on your sib. while your parents are in another room and your dh leaving all day for work and expecting someone to watch your kids without asking BIG difference.

Of course I find in very sad I have to explain that.

HadEnoughx5's picture

It sounds as if SMofknowitall thrives on chaos and stirring up conflict. Ignore her comments because she is thriving on responses and the arguement it causes, and the disruption she causes with in the person she attacks. Don't feed into her.

I would be careful with the SD. A year ago we had a custody evaluation done. It was found that SD was being allienated from us through BM efforts. She would come to our home and cause every type of disruption she could from making loud noises, hitting, swearing,running away, calling the police, break things ect. She was on a mission to tear our family apart along with our marriage.

I don't agree with my husbands solution to our problem. He told my SD she was no longer allowed in our home unless she was willing to abide by our house rules ie, being respectful, picking up after yourself etc. But I have to say her biological brothers are happy to have time away from their sister and my 2 children and myself no longer are tip toeing around her and her erratic behavior.

I guess my advice for you is to be consistent in your parenting as exhausting as she can be. Both BD and SM have to be on the same page and be a united front. If your'e not she will use that "crack" to wedge between separating the both of you. Good Luck, hang in there!

Gia's picture

Wow, what happened to trying to raise responsible kids? That's how it was back in the day!

As an 11 year old, I didn't have any smaller siblings but I LOVED to hold babies, and did it (cousins friends' babies etc... without a problem.)

I have a 3.8 year old boy and SD is 7. DH sometimes gets mad because SD7 wasn't watching over young brother and he got hurt or something. I absolutely do not agree with this because if something happens it is the parents responsibility not another child.

However, I absolutely agree on teaching kids to be grateful and helpful by letting them be a BIG sister/brother. If you paid for the trip, she could have done that little bitty favor for you. And even if you didn't pay for the trip, you still provide constant care, attention, etc... and kids should be given small responsibilities.

These women exaggerate so much, there is absolutely NO reason why you shouldn't be expected to have SD keep an open eye on younger siblings every once in a while.

If you were to leave her alone, with the responsibility of bathing, feeding, etc... that is one thing, but while you are in the other room? are you kidding me?

Wow, thats why there is a generation of entitled "precious" kids. In which making sure a baby doesn't eat a roach off the floor, or touches a sharp object makes them SLAVES... just "WOW"

Babysitting young siblings is NOT the same as keeping an eye on them.

I'm so glad that my SD does this, she is very helpful, with my son and know she will be a helpful young lady whenever I decide to have another baby.

SD already (gladly) helps her brother brush his teeth and take a bath (with her), while at playgrounds and such, I can tell her "keep an eye on him please" because I know that as a BIG sister she won't let him eat something off the ground, or she would just help him with anything... If something happense, though, it wouldn't be her fault because I'm the parent.

These doesn't mean that I would just not pay attention to him (them) it just means that I know I dont have to go through the slides, I can tell her to watch him for me while they are at those tiny, slides, playing.

I don't care what anybody says, I EXPECT both my SD and my own son, in the future to help out with their siblings. They won't subsitute daycare, but they can certainly HELP OUT.

hbell0428's picture

Wow! sorry you had to go through some of that BSs** from some posters. I felt defensive and I didn't even post this......I think I get what you are saying here. I agree with the whole watch the kids for a second thing! Unless you are IN the situation; you can't really give an opinion? or you can simply agree to desagree.......My SD14 hardly watches ours BS5 - BS9 - (they can take care of themselves basically - the five year old is very advanced). I don't ask her to watch them a lot because I know it's probably annoying; but so is living with HER full time!! Get over it; the other day our neighbor asked her to watch her daughter 3 days a week; (not really paying her either) I said no and so did her dad "for her" we pay her cell phone bill, we give her rides, we let her go to dances, we buy her ALL her stuff (yes, I know this is a parents job) but this teaches her you have to work for stuff you want. We don't 100% trust her; but she knows she better do good with the kids.......would we trust her to watch! I see what you are saying here!!

OptimisticMe's picture

Thank you Gia and others that show they have common sense. I pretty much just wanted validation that I had a right to be upset that SD refused to take a few minutes to help me after her dad and I foot the bill for a nice vacation. I didn't need advice on whether or not it was safe as I know what is best for my kids and I would never put them in harms way. I just like to get others' opinions to make sure I don't make my SD feel used. Although I see no possible way she could feel that way given her princess status. When others agree, it confirms I am doing well. Unfortunately, several here blew a few things out of proportion, but to the ones that listened to what I was asking, I greatly appreciate it.

I am glad that at least a few here still believe that all members of a family should contribute to the family...including children both Step and Bio.

OptimisticMe's picture

I also failed to mention that the day I asked her to keep an eye on the kids was my birthday...happy birthday to me!