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Quiet listless indifference

Lioness77's picture

As this is my blog, it doesn't have to make sense.
If you want it to, go back thru my bookmarked posts.

Got up early. Another weekend at his place. My kids w their dad, his at home. FSS16 spent one whole Fucking night in juvi.....oooooo please make it stop, if I hear you say he's going to change after one NIGHT again, I will vomit.

FSD13 refused last night to call a friend, wouldn't go to her grandparents, nothing. She likes to dominate his time even though she gets him FIVE DAYS A WEEK, so last night, while we are trying to watch some shows and have some us time, she's just sitting there, texting on the couch all night to her sister ( his ex stepdaugter ) about me, laughing, snickering and every five seconds her ipod goes off " dingding" with a new message. So when she's not texting she's rolling her eyes that I'm trying to snuggle up to daddy. Getting Pist. She HAD THE OPTION of having someone spend the night. But NO. She's going to sulk and stand her ground on her little place .... getting right in the middle of me and her dad.

Anyway. After a boring tv run and a couple of drinks she's still there. So we decide to go to bed. Daddy gave her a two litre of Pepsi so she wouldn't feel so bad. Really??

This morning we wake up at 6, being early risers during the week it just happens. So I say let's go on a date ( his kids never get up before 1pm ) and go have breakfast.

So we go. He orders his breakfast I order mine. Then we each trend back into our phones silently ignoring each other. Not angrily, just pure indifference.
We manage to talk about getting separate Christmas trees, to which he GLADLY says " ya, you should have one at your place too " ( Fuck it all, when will this separate yours and mine bullshit end, is what I'm thinking ), and we sip on our bloody marys while waiting for our food. Again, he's back to his iPhone and I'm staring out the window picturing how much cheaper Christmas will be if we don't combine xmas morning this year.

I'm lost in thought, remembering with bitter annoyance that last year, after reading our Christmas eve book (my family tradition) and having cider ( and like all the previous years his kids rudely acted like it was unimportant to them and didn't participate or interrupted) and, let's not forget that his kids also woke up at 2am and opened the presents so xmas morning was RUINED....
My kids slept while his ruined it.

The rest of breakfast was spent ignoring each other in more quiet indifference. As we are finishing up, I ask the waitress in my "im hurting and you don't even know how much" tone if voice, " can you please split the check, we're paying separately" setting my card next to my glass.....
"Separately" hung in the air like a green cloud of suffocating poisonous gas, slowly centering itself over the table...... my moment of silence is broken and he asks in his " tone" as we walk outside, " What? Are you sad that we didn't have mind blowing conversation at breakfast?".....

More than you will ever know.

And as the streetlights pass by and the foggy morning makes its way into my foggy brain, all I can think is " Should I leave today, or wait until after separate Christmas is over?"

Dear January. Please go easy on me.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

you have it way easier than me, as i live WITH bf, and SD13 lives with us fulltime....i have been contemplating leaving (disengaging isnt going well at ALL) but i have nowhere to go.

well, if u guys already live apart, then just end it. no hassle of moving, packing, seperating things...just a simple "it isnt working, goodbye".

as far as it with ur kids at ur place, he can do it at his place with his brats. dont buy his kids a goddamn thing, and to try and keep the peace, tell him not to buy urs any, say moneys tight and u guys should be only for ur own.

good luck.

madrasta's picture

So sorry! As far as Christmas goes, what would be easier for your heart and peace of mind - muddling through another miserable Christmas or going it alone, and maybe being miserable too, but at least having a new beginning? I haven't read through your older posts yet, but plan to. I think you need to do what will be easier for you. I am from the rip-the-bandaid-off-all-at-once camp. I think I would rather just end things than fake it through another Christmas. And I would be sad, but that would be ok. Besides you sound kind of sad right now anyway.

Do you know what the opposite of love is? Most people think hate, but there is still strong emotion there. The opposite of love is indifference. I think you know in your heart things aren't going to work. Just be kind to yourself.

Best wishes

Lioness77's picture

We didn't even hold hands across the table this time.
There wasn't one hug or kiss this morning.
And the strange thing is, he seems ok with it.......
As I struggle to find happiness and contentment only receiving affection on his terms.
When HIS kids , HIS job isn't taking first rank.


Lots of thinking to do.

Gabriels Mom's picture

I'm so sorry you are going through this. I certainly wouldn't allow his rotten kids to ruin another Christmas for your darlings. If you don't end it before the holiday at least open presents separately.