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Its all about the Bass...

CLove's picture

Today has been a roller coaster, since last night in fact.

Firstly we had a wonderful week without Munchkin Sd14. It was her week with her mother, Toxic Troll and you kow what? Its cliche by now, but the last few days leading up to her Monday arrival to us were filled with love and wonder and awesomeness tinged with dread at her impending arrival.

To explain, back to the cliche part. EVERY TIME she is with us she cries or causes drama somehow. She cannot help it, I suppose, she is 14. Being kind and respectful as she is, its hard to be mad directly at her. Really I should be mad at her bio parents, but too often I fall into the "Resentment Trap", that trap that tells is "everything is incredible with this person, until THEY show up". Yes, I fell into that trap. Because its partly true.

But the fault this time lies with the bio parents, and realizing this I am redirecting my resentment to those that actually deserve it. 

What happened last night.

Well it started great. I donned my running clothes, and DH was in a very happy mood. Then I go running, and there is Toxic Troll dropping off munchkin, with her white husky in her lap. "Hi!" and I run off. Come back and we start doing "sets" in our little modest home gym since the gymns are closed. Dh's specialtiy is weight training. So he coaches both of us. Munchkin is talking non-stop, in what I think of as her "transitional catch-up, decompression" mode. Asking a million questions. Its her way of getting back into the flow of our household, after being in a different household.

ok. So, after a wonderuly simple and delicious dinner, I wander around doing my laundry and houshold tasks while the two chat together getting up to speed on what I term "business". School started Monday via Zoom, with a few hiccoups. Then there are textbooks to pickup, and while it would be convenient for Toxic Troll to pick her up and take her from our house, DH gave a resounding "not going to hapen" within earshot of me. Then whispers. Then I heard conversation about her new interest in playing the BASS. Not the flute as she was going to do a few weeks ago and had gotten her father to agree to. Supposedly she has 50$ and both her parents are chipping in the rest, so she can play bass and her friend can play guitar and everyone sing koombaya.

My issues are threefold:

1. Why the whispers? I walked up and asked them both whats up (knowing that it was about Toxic Troll not picking up munchkin from our house....) and got blank stares and "nothing". I said, ok, smiled and walked away, and approached him later and he became angry. There went yet another great night ruined by Toxic Troll (and Munchkin...). The issue is that she still doesnt see her mother as "the enemy" (duh). And just thinks it would be so easy. But ive seen her go through 6 plus years of her mother being toxic to not just her father but everyone. Shes 14, and wiser than she should be, but she is still ignoring that elephant.

2. When the next morning I brought it up, I asked about the bass and what was that about, I never heard about that...Im your wife, Im here to help you out and support you in life, why not tell me? Then it came out that Toxic Troll via Munchkin her mouthpiece had asked what he was going to chip in for the Bass, like hes a deadbeat. He tells her "I pay your mother child support, that money should be going to you". Yes in fact hes paid almost 8,000 in child support thus far. When its all over at 18, he will have paid about 24,000. 

3. Munchkin has been given a tablet at $1,400, with pen $200, a violin $300, by her mother. Her mother claims all the credit, but shes not working, shes collecting child support, disability as well as food stamps, plus does work on the side, not to mention the spousal support she had been collecting prior to March. Of course she gets all the credit. DH is really bothered by this as Toxic Troll wastes no opportunity making him feel less than.

I guess my issue is in the race to be the "better parent", Munchkin has learned she is entitled simply by existing and doesnt have to do the work to earn anything. She has a problem scrubbing the tub by herself. Doesnt cook anything other than pancakes. Doesnt do any chores and picks up dog poo once a week for her cell phone ($75 monthly) 

I know Im all over the place here. Its just that I am feeling left out of important conversations and yet they get upset when I refer to myself as the "step aside"... And I feel for Dh who is stuck between creating boundaries and being what he thinks of as a good parent.

Its just really hard.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I think your H needs to experience consequences. Financial ones if spending behind your back, and you withdrawing emotional labor when he decides to keep secrets with Munchkin. Depending on his ego, even then he may not learn, but it's your best shot.

Financial consequences could be having a check bounce, having his debit card declined when he tries to buy gas, etc. Or it could be you taking an equal amount of $$ out of a joint account when his makes a large purchase without discussing it with you first, or you shutting down a planned purchase of something cool for the boat. As for withdrawing, that means you become busy elsewhere and inconvenience him as much as possible. Make HIM feel like an outsider.

Again Hon, you've got to up your disengagement game and accept that how Munchkin turns out has nothing to do with you. 

CLove's picture

He definitely needs to experience something. As it is right now, he is choking financially due to over extending for the new boat motor. So there isnt a lot of extra for yet another one of Munchkins Grand Ideas. Luckily I figured out that if we have COMPLETELY separated bank accounts, with ONE joint "house account" to pay the mortgage, and pay exactly half of all bills together, then we both can do what we want with any "extra".

I made that deal when he was doling out cash to Feral Forger. I would accept that and say nothing.

With COVID it is much harder for me to fly off to visit my friends, its like my wings have been clipped. So I need to figure out how to withdraw "emotional labor", eh? As in, Im just your wife, take your issues with Toxic Troll and Munchkin somewhere else, dont bother me, Im watching my fish swim around the tank? Yeah, so what if you feel like a bad dad because you cant buy munchkin her latest "Big Idea Thing". Being around her lately has gotten a bit exhausting.

Ive been better at being somewhere else as I have taken up jogging again. To condition for long hikes elsewhere.

CLove's picture

I went back on my promise that as long as our financial obligations such as bills are met that he can do what he wants with his money.

To my credit, when I heard about the bass I just went "cool" and didnt really bat an eyelash. My big thing was the exclusion. It is definitely hurtful...those whispers.

notarelative's picture

 asked what he was going to chip in for the Bass, 

Chip in? When my kid played, the school gave us information for two rental places. You rented by the month and after X number of months (years), the instrument belonged to you. We ended up with the instrament, but lots of kids rented for the school year (they had elected band) and gave the instrument back at the end of the school year. Some kids didn't even make the school year. My son's friend lasted three weeks. I'd never buy an expensive band instrument for a kid who hasn't taken any lessons and whose desire to play has suddenly shifted from one instrument to another.

CLove's picture

She wants a $90 white one so she can put stickers on it like she did the $250 ukelele she got from when her sister left it behind.

Yeah, renting. That would go over like a gasseous emission in a transport mechanism.

Rags's picture

Oh, she can help it. She is manipulating.  Don't get stuck in trying to justify her manipulative crap as the consequence of her unfortunate parentage. Hold her accountable for her chosen behaviors and keep her fully engaged on those behaviors as her choice. IMHO of course.

Your DH is right. He has paid for the bass and everything else BM has used as bribes and manipulation tools with Munch.

When considered against TT's income, or more accurately her absence of income, your DH has paid for everything.

The context matters, facts matter.

Money aside, that is .....  the money that you and DH have provided for the support of Munch and FF over the years, Munch chooses her behaviors when she is in your home and so does DH.  

It is time for the comprehensive spreadsheet clearly breaking down every penny DH and you have provided, clearly showing that TT has paid for squat over the years since she has earned nothing for herself.  The end message to Munch being that her manipulative exploitive crap to guilt your DH won't stand... ever.

I get that she is loved, that you and DH commit a lot to her wellbeing. But... her choices are her choices and that they are manipulative and toxic can not stand. She is no longer a young child. She is a young woman who is choosing to emulate the crap the TT and FF have served up over and over again for seemingly countless years.  

Time for Munch to hear that DH has already provided all but her own $50 on the purchase of her bass..... and everything else..... since his marriage to TT ended.

Most interesting in all of this... is ... what you are planning on doing to pull DH's teeth on his whispery crap with Munch.

Any thoughts?

All IMHO of course.





CLove's picture

This weekend at the beach and then at home.

Firstly - she is SO freaking lazy. Secondly - shes in her teen years selfish zone. Its driving me up the wall.

We loaded the Jeep up to go to the beach, and loaded up to walk from the car to the beach. She took one small folding beach chair. DH informed her that was a selfish move. Im like "no sympathy for you". I just said "well how much do you help out at home?"

Then we got home and I said "oh look the dish fairy washed all the dishes again (said fairy being me). She actually offered to wash the dishes that night! I think getting called out on things might work. Shes working things the only way she knows how. BM is just being a PITA.

I called him out on it and now IM leaving it to sink in. If he doesnt want to share information, then he doesnt get the help.

Rags's picture

I'm just sorry that you are having to deal with this ... still.

Why it takes so long for the breeders in blended family marriages to gain clarity and figure it out is mind boggling?  If they ever do.

It took my DW several years to learn that she really had no choice but to keep her foot firmly up the collective SpermClan ass in order to prevent them from eternally attempting to take advantage and a number of years to work through her angst and repeated heartbreak and withdrawal from actively living life when SS was away for visitation.

Fortunately she did figure it out.  Interestingly, when SS launched, she was excited for him and okay with it.  She surprised me.  Based on how she handled the early years of SpermLand visitation that when he launched she, actually both of us, would have a hard time with it.  We missed him but we really did not have a particularly difficult time with transitioning to the empty nester phase of life.

Probably because he has done so well as an independent successful adult.

It has to be nearly impossible in blended family marriages where both spouses are prior breeders.
