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The Book! The Book! The Book!

ownedbypedro's picture

Some blessed soul on this forum recommend the book STEPMONSTER. I am sorry, I wish I could remember who you were to say Thank YOU!!!

I got it today and am not half way through the first chapter and could cry with RELIEF...FINALLY...something written to represent US and what WE need and how WE feel and WHY!!!

ohhhhhhhh, I LOVE this book!!! Whoever you are - Thank you a million times!!!

HadEnoughx5's picture

I don't know if was me or not, so many of us have spoken about it. I too got my copy on Monday and I love it. Finally it's not some bullshit telling us to suck it up and think of the skids and everyone else. I think we should have a book club started and read it together and talk about it on the site. What do you think? Smile

ownedbypedro's picture

Excellent idea, let's do that!! Oh, btw, THIS SITE is referenced in the front cover of the book I bought (used copy)...someone wrote it in there!!

ownedbypedro's picture

Sure you miss him, that's so normal. But at least you know you did the right thing for YOU!!! Now you'll never turn into ... well, me, lol.

The book, and this site, are at the very least providing validation that I'm not mean or wicked or crazy -- big help!

Also that I'm not alone, not the only one...HUGE help. Back in myself here...there was NOTHING...these things were not talked about and skid #2 had the whole world thilnking I was just about feeling all alone!

Time will heal darlin. I wish I had known then what you know NOW.