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a 30 second request turns into hour long melodrama

stepmom008's picture

Oh... My... God... Yesterday BF was filling out the emergency contact form for SD9's school. He texted Biodemon (thank you for whoever came up with that - I LOVE IT!!) and asked her for her address b/c she and loser boyfriend recently moved. This led to a series of 7 text messages from her demanding to know what he's filling out and why would he need to do this because SHE (Supermom) already gave all of the contact info to the teacher at an open house the BF "missed". And that he never changes, everything's always last minute and why does SD have to pack her own lunch and that everything's always about him. Then she had to make sure to tell him about daycare rules from the meetings she attends b/c she's so wonderful. The rules are and always have been the same. She just has to point out that she goes to meetings because she's such a good mom. Holy aggressive and HOLY SHIT - he just asked for her address. A.) He didn't miss the open house. He stayed late to talk to the teacher after a presentation while BM and LBF (loser boyfriend) booked it out of there right when it was over. B.)who the hell cares when he does things as long as they get done when they're supposed to and C.)the kid is 9! She's perfectly capable of packing her own lunch and should be, in my opinion. She doesn't have to do much of anything else. He actually did stand up to her and told her she had a hair across her ass. That's progress. We got all of the messages sent to the text forwarder and organized but good lord - she's out of control. I'm making him send the "get her under control" letter tonight. I've had it!

Marie09's picture

Oh man, I can relate. My DH will ask his ex a question and it will turn into txt back and forth, along with a phone call or two. When all he needed was a simple yes or no. They make everything so f'in difficult I swear! I seriously think its just an excuse to talk to him.

Orange County Ca's picture

In similar circumstances I'd give them her phone number and tell them o contact her.


It may be that 50 years from now the only important thing you did in this life is to be important in the life of a kid.