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I stole this from Blender.

Willow2010's picture

Blum 3 I stole the quote from Blender.

It’s not verbatim, but close.

How many of your DH’s are like this….

“My DH is a great man, husband, and step father. But he stinks as a bio parent.”

Why is this?! This sums up my DH in two sentences. And it seems like a lot of out DH’s are like this.

Do you think they would still be bad parents if they had stayed with BM?


distorted reality's picture

Hell yes! My SO sucked as a parent while he was with BM. They BOTH suck(ed) :sick: STILL SUCK!

They are obviously part of the new parenting craze.... GIVE EVERYTHING- ASK NOTHING- EXPECT NOTHING- KISS A$$ whenever possible! AWESOME parenting skills! :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

distorted reality's picture

"DH told me his kids were bad because BM didn't allow him to parent. I think this is what DH told himself to some degree because I encourage, offer to help, and for awhile demanded him to parent his kids and he still doesn't."


"I do know that DH is NOT a strong parent - he hates conflict and doesn't deal well with being the bad guy. All flaws."


"He seems uncomfortable with his own kids at times - unhappy almost, overwhelmed maybe?"



Milomom's picture

Blender - we have very similar situations!

We have 50/50 custody of skids (FSD16.5 & FSS13) - we have wed/thurs/fri week 1 and then wed/thurs/sat/sun week 2.

I think that since skids spend 50% of their time with BM, that FDH just "defaults" to her & that situation with regard to skids' education and upbringing. KWIM? Not sure if that makes sense or not.

FDH seems to have the attitude that BM is a good mother and will take care of the day-to-day of raising skids. BAD IDEA!!! Especially since BM: is a high school dropout, was preggo at 17, never held a full-time job in her LIFE, was always dependent on my FDH during their marriage and just now (in her 40's) started attending a vocational school to obtain some kind of bubblegum machine nursing certificate - she is the FARTHEST person to be the one directing skids' education,etc...!! IMHO!

***Milomom shaking head***

FDH either doesn't realize or simply doesn't CARE that skids are on the train to LOSERVILLE (JUST.LIKE.THEIR.MOTHER) and FAST!!

FDH & I truly have an AMAZING, WONDERFUL relationship - this is the only topic (DH's partial "non-parenting" when it comes to skids' education and not making them do chores, etc...) that we disagree on.