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Meet when convenient for BM & her family

Wah-wah-11's picture

We do pick up/drop offs at school. There's medicine involved so we do the the simple someone drops them off at school and then the next parent picks them up.. Someone has to be there to get the meds. We end up waiting about 30 min on them to show up with the kids bc u never know exactly when they will be there. If someone isn't there they won't wait they will leave and the you have to meet on their terms to get the stuff... BM texts DH tonight and says someone has to be there at a specific time to get the stuff bc she or her hubby has to go to work .. Well that's fine .. I won't be sitting for 30 min waiting and the kids won't have ANOTHER tardy. On the other hand ..sure I don't mind to work around her time.. I don't give u a flipping specific time to be there or other wise I'll leave and you can come track me down ..

Just a small useless rant ..


Wah-wah-11's picture

The school refuses to keep it. We use to take it to the office and they kept it and she would pick it up in there and Vice versa...but BMs crazy self went in the office and caused a big ruckus bc the school nurse had it.. So she texted DH asking where it was and he told her. So the next week he got a text saying someone had to be at the school bc they were refusing to keep it.. Can't imagine why .. Haha

MommyNotMommy's picture

I used to have to deal with this. Then I kept the old empty bottle, and waited to get the new medication, counted out exactly half, and sent it back. I did that for a month and next month miraculously the Dr office was able to provide 2 half prescriptions. It was all a control thing. Less contact, more serenity.

MommyNotMommy's picture

It would have been smart to do it at the beginning. When I did it, I think it was more like cornered animal self defense mechanism. But hey, I'll take the compliment!

Wah-wah-11's picture

It's not cheap & there's more than one. No body will do that bc no one wants feel wrath of BM & that cause a stink from her bc she would her control over DH

learningallthetime's picture

Both houses should have a supply - I agree with the above regarding a spare bottle and put half the pills in there. If it is essential medicine then this means if a parent has an emergency (car crash etc) the other has a ready supply.

With ex-SS who was diabetic, his kit went everywhere but both houses had enough of a supply to get through if something happened (kit got lost-which it did).

Wah-wah-11's picture

Guess I should have added everything that has I be swapped... It's more than medicine I just was trying to shorten it. They have sports equipment, medicine, and BM packs a bag of clothes for them to wear back to her house. The school if course says they can't keep that and the kids can't keep it with them bc if they let everyone do that they would be over flowing. So even if the medicine situation got fixed someone would still have to meet.