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Just love how no one in my house can do anything for themselves

Wah-wah-11's picture

SSstb11 last week can I have cereal? Yes you can.. SS just stands there and looks at me waiting on me to fix him a bowl of cereal ... I say SS if you want cereal you can fix it .. Of course DH looks at me later like I'm crazy for saying there's no reason I need I fix his bowl of cereal .. He said well my mom fixed my breakfast until I moved out or high school or something to that effect .. My response .. Yep and exactly how much can u do for yourself now? -- DH: good point ..

This morning: kids go clean your room.. Have they? No they are playing xbox.. DH is in bed
But now he will have a shit fit when his dad needs to come over to help lay the new floors and the house is trashed..

DH worked 2 days this last week and the week before ..all weekend he was childless bc the SKs were with BM and Ds and I were gone since I had to work and we don't have child care closer .. DH managed to do 5 loads of laundry (supposidly), left an entire crockpot of soup out ALL weekend, and had laundry piled up in the couch when I got in ..shit all over this house.. But I got a speach on how we leave crap out all over the place and never clean up ..
really get your lazy ass up and learn to be a man .

Should be a fantastic week with this massive snow storm we are suppose to be getting


FTMandSM's picture

You just want to pull your hair out and go "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE???" or better yet, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME FOR STAYING"........I'm kinda in the same boat, except now I leave lists for DH. SDstb4 is still a little too young for too much cleaning, but we still have her clean her room and pick up her clothes. DS is 1 so yeah he can't really do anything but make a mess.

Wah-wah-11's picture

Yes ! Myers ! Exactly! I think if I leave it gets me away from the disaster but not bs bc he is mine with DH.. So he would be sent here without me

FTMandSM's picture